On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Gregory,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The web app needs a DB password so it can connect to the
> >>>>> DB.
> >>>>
> >>>> I disagree that the web app needs a password.
> >>> The web app has to be able to read and write to the DB.  That
> >>> takes a password.
> >>
> >> No, javax.sql.DataSource needs a password.  Your web app just
> >> needs a user name.
> >>
> >> Your custom data source will fetch a password.
> > How?
> >
> > What, precisely, is the exact mechanism by which this custom
> > DataSource will fetch the password?
> (I think Leo's bating you, here: he's trying to get you to admit that
> this is a shell game where an encrypted password requires an encrypted
> password requires an encrypted password, etc. all the way down.

This thread is on fire!  I am finding it hard to know where to reply.

I am not baiting anyone, I will explain in a different reply.

> > And how is it that someone else, who has full access to all my
> > source code, including to the source code of my custom DataSource,
> > won¹t be able to retrieve the exact same password?
> >
> > Requirement for ³secure²: There are no files sitting anywhere on
> > the server that have a plain text copy of my password.
> Is this because you don't trust your admins?
> > Requirement for secure: The sys admin does not get to know my
> > password. He¹s ³trusted² in that we assume he won¹t abuse his
> > private key on order to steal my password.  He¹s not ³trusted² to
> > know everyone¹s passwords.
> Forget about "other people's passwords" for a moment: you don't trust
> your admins to peek at the super-secret database password (which is
> usually something like "pr0duct!on" LOL)?
> If the admins wants the password, he (or she) is going to get it. Your
> library needs the cleartext password at some point and at that point,
> the admin effectively has it, too.
> (I had a conversation with Sander Temme at ApacheCon over a few beers
> while he tried to explain how one of Thales's hardware key escrow
> systems were capable of doing thins kind of thing. I had a hard time
> understanding how it was possible. It could have been the beer.)
> > Requirement from system: password must be updated every six months.
> > So I have to be able to change the password, and inform my web app
> > of the changed password.
> Aah, yes. Password-rotation. That definitely keeps things secure. :(
> >> A.  You don't get to manage your passwords.
> >>
> >> B.  The suggestion I'm giving you requires coordination with sys
> >> admins and DBA's.  It is more than just a simple app trying find
> >> a way to hide passwords, none of which will "ever" be in source
> >> control.
> >>
> >> Leo
> >
> > A: I¹m the only one who knows my password, I have to manage it.  I
> > have to be able to use that password in contexts totally divorced
> > from the web server.
> This is your LDAP password? Are we still taking about
> application-level passwords for your database? Or user-level passwords
> for ... what, exactly?
> > B: A solution that requires the sys admin to know, and update every
> > six months, my passwords is not a viable solution.
> If the admin won't update the password, who will?
> - -chris
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