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On 5/6/16 1:01 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> On 5/5/2016 2:05 PM, David kerber wrote:
>> On 5/5/2016 2:56 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> I am not using WAR files for my apps.  I simply copy updated
>>> files to the image in \webapps as changes/updates are required.
>>> I have a server running on my local dev machine.  When I
>>> refresh any webapp file (jars, jsps, etc) the server detects
>>> the changes, refreshes, and everything is good with the new
>>> versions running without further intervention. However, when I
>>> do the exact same thing to my remote server (which is an 
>>> identical mirror of the local TC) almost every time there is a
>>> refresh, the server webapp stops, and I have to go the manager
>>> and restart all of the web apps.
>>> I'm suspecting that it might have something to do with the
>>> upload speed.  Where I can pretty much instantly replace a jar
>>> file locally, it may take several seconds to replace the same
>>> jar file on the remote machine due to connection speed to the
>>> server.  And I assume TC is ok with 'instant' jar replacements,
>>> but doesn't like it when it takes too long for a jar to finish
>>> updating.
>>> Whatever the cause, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm
>>> going to have to restart the webapps after every upload.  But
>>> I'd love to figure out a way to do that automatically
>>> (preferably as part of my ant 'build' script).  A full refresh
>>> can take 20-30 minutes (I have lots of large web apps...).  I
>>> have to wait around for the upload to complete, else the server
>>> will be down until I can come back and around and refresh.
>>> So, is there a way to bounce an entire host programatically at
>>> the end of the upload?  Or is there a way to remotely via a
>>> script to bounce all of the webapps?
>> I believe the Manager app can force a reload of your webapps,
>> though I never use it.
>> But what about this, to make the process more closely mirror what
>> you see locally:  Upload the updated files to a temporary holding
>> spot on the remote server, and then after they're all there, move
>> them en-mass to the webapps directory.  That final copy will be
>> very fast, and would likely allow the server to pick up the
>> changes just like it does locally.
> Thanks for the info.  I had thought about the option of caching on
> the server and doing a fast copy.  But that will still require code
> on the server to execute the copy from the cache, and somehow the
> server code will need to be triggered by the build/upload process
> on the build machine or otherwise I have to log onto the server
> desktop and run it manually.  My build/upload process is totally
> automated using ant except for this one nagging issue with the
> webapps.
> The manager has the web interface to restart the web apps.  But I
> have 20 web apps.  And the manager makes me start each web app one
> at a time and wait for the page to reload before going to next app.
> Cumbersome at best.
> Any other suggestions?

You can use the manager to upload and deploy your web application
simultaneously. It will handle stashing the WAR file you upload and
then re-deploying the webapp once it's arrived.

You said you weren't using WAR files, but would it be inconvenient for
you to just zip-up your applications into WAR files?

- -chris
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