On 20.10.2016 12:00, Moore, Jon, Vodafone UK wrote:
I have a problem where our customers application server stops working intermittently and 
when we check the Tomcat logs we get the message " java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: 
PermGen space" but the Tomcat service is still running, and we have to restart the 
Tomcat service. I am a complete novice when it comes to Tomcat but am expected to resolve 
this issue as this server is part of the Avaya telephony solution.

I have 2 questions please.

1 - What would be causing this.

2 - What are the default Java memory settings for Initial memory pool, maximum memory 
pool size and thread stack size when the fields are blank when you use the 
"Configure Tomcat" interface on Windows. I was wondering if changing one or 
more of these settings would help ?

We are running Tomcat 6.0.26 on Windows Server 2008 R2 standard and JVM version 
is 1.6.0_20-b02

Not a real answer to your question, but one important aspect as a start : these "default settings" are the settings of the JVM, not of Tomcat. There are no parameters in Tomcat itself which control those; Tomcat just "lives" in the JVM that runs it.

At a second level : these default settings (and the non-default ones), vary according to the JVM which you are using, its version, the host it is running on etc. So you need to look up the values and parameters in the configuration documentation of the JVM vendor (e.g. Oracle, IBM, ..), not on the Tomcat site.

As for your question # 1 :
this would be a good start : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=java+permgen+space

Another answer would be : your application
(Note: I'm not kidding; it really depends on your applications. Tomcat itself runs happily with the default JVM settings)

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