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On 8/16/17 3:24 AM, Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> Debian has a long tradition of doing things in a very special way
> when it comes to java. Long enough they shipped GnuJ as standard
> JVM with a debian distribution, a piece of garbage that wasn't able
> to start simplest of java programs. But there has been an as long
> tradition to reply to every question about tomcat behaviour on a
> specific distribution by suggesting to throw the crap away and
> download the vanilla tomcat form the one and only legal source ;-) 
> (at least in the past, to which debian belongs).

Debian has tried to make Tomcat's configuration work the same way that
httpd does, with lots of little configuration files, etc. that all
contribute to a complex system. For users of a vanilla Tomcat
installation, it seems crazy. For longtime users of httpd (at least,
on Debian), it seems perfectly natural.

Debian's package structure makes sense if you think of Tomcat as
modular. It's quite reasonable for you to, for instance, NOT
install/deploy the manager application. If you download and install
the vanilla Tomcat, you have to move/rename/delete the manager
application. On Debian, it's the other way: you have to opt-into the
manager application by installing it as a separate package.

Unless Debian's package-managed version of Tomcat are actively
irritating you, I would recommend attempting to learn how they work
and get comfortable with them. The package manager will keep the
packages up-to-date and working with minimal maintenance on your part
- -- at the cost (at least, on Debian) of always being fairly delayed in
terms of version numbers. They will back-port all security fixes, but
you may be stuck on e.g. 7.0.35 for several years until you get a new
distribution update (e.g. Debian 6 -> Debian 7). This is either a
nightmare or a dream for you. Debian is insanely stable, which is
great. The downside to that is that it's *extremely* stable. :)

- -chris
> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Peter Kreuser <l...@kreuser.name>
> wrote:
>> I'd assume the service that starts tomcat sets the bin-Dir, that
>> contains a setenv.sh, that has the CATALINA_HOME and BASE
>> env-Varaibles, where you find the context-Files that have a
>> docbase.
>> I'd like to repeat the question: who did this setup?
>> Peter Kreuser
>>> Am 15.08.2017 um 23:45 schrieb James H. H. Lampert <
>> jam...@touchtonecorp.com>:
>>> I think I've mentioned before that I have a Tomcat server on a
>>> Google
>> Compute Debian instance, that I installed with an "apt-get,"
>> rather than from an Apache download.
>>> I had to apt-get manager separately, which is odd to begin
>>> with.
>>> And things ended up in unexpected places.
>>> Some stuff (like the Catalina directory) wound up in
>>> /etc/tomcat7. Other
>> stuff (like the bin and lib directories) wound up in
>> /usr/share/tomcat7.
>>> But the weirdest thing is where the webapp contexts wound up.
>>> The
>> default ROOT context (which doesn't look quite like the default
>> ROOT context of anything I've installed from an Apache download)
>> is in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT. But the manager and
>> host-manager webapps are in /usr/share/tomcat7-admin/manager and
>> /usr/share/tomcat7-admin/host- manager.
>>> Setting aside any questions of why whoever set this up for
>>> Debian did it
>> this way, all of this still raises a very big question:
>>> How is Tomcat finding all of this?
>>> -- JHHL
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