We've been troubleshooting an issue where our web application is getting a
very occasional request that contains no cookies even though a Wireshark on
the application server shows those cookies coming in on the request.

I was able to replay the request that was captured via Wireshark, and when
doing so, everything goes through just fine... so that rules out any sort
of weird character set / header parsing issues.

Environment specifics: Tomcat v7.0.77 running the (http-bio) connector

Now here's the twist: Currently something in the site infrastructure has
been configured to proxy to Tomcat with HTTP/1.0 instead of 1.1. We're
trying to track that down and address that issue (for performance reasons),
but in the mean time, we're wondering whether or not this is a concurrency
issue related to protocol caching/recycling?

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? Is there any legitimate
scenario(s) where Tomcat will *not* parse out the cookies, but still route
the request to the web app? Is this possible an edge condition that that
might be caused by the use of HTTP/1.0? Could this possibly be caused by
the number of maxThreads exceeding the `processorCache` value?

Thanks in advance, Chad

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