Chris - The header logging is a good idea. We'll add that. In the meantime,
it looks like it might have been premature to indicate that "the problem
persists with HTTP/1.1". The one instance that I found was a red herring,
so to date the problem has *not* recurred since addressing the HTTP/1.0

In re: our web server and Wireshark. We have an nginx instance sitting on a
separate (web server) machine. The Wireshark was the app server, so it was
capturing the traffic from nginx to Tomcat.

At any rate, I will be sure to keep you apprised as to the status.
Hopefully the HTTP/1.1 fix addresses the problem...


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 8:17 AM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Chad,
> On 2/27/18 9:02 PM, Chad Stansbury wrote:
> > Thanks for your response. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be a
> > bad cookie name or value, as the identical set of cookies are
> > passed (and parsed correctly) on requests that immediately precede
> > and follow the failing request. That's pretty clear from both the
> > Wireshark and Tomcat access logs we have. What we're seeing is that
> > the client (which is a browser, usually Chrome) sends a burst of
> > requests, and occasionally one of those requests will fail as the
> > web app detects that is has no cookies even though the Wireshark
> > indicates that there are.  We even added logging to the
> > AccessLogValve to log the cookies that we're looking for, and it
> > yields an empty value... So we know that the cookie parsing is
> > either failing or the cookies get cleared following parsing, but
> > before being passed on to the AccessLogValve.
> Sounds like you have it at least semi-reproducible. That's great news.
> What about logging both the results of request.getCookies() as well as
> request.getHeader("Cookie")? If the parsing is failing, you will get
> no Cookie objects from request.getCookie(), but you should still get
> the header back from the request.
> If there is no header in the request... well, then maybe something is
> wrong elsewhere with the request, and Tomcat never gets to the Cookie
> header at all.
> > Also, as a follow-up, we corrected the HTTP/1.0 issue, and see that
> > the problem persists even with HTTP/1.1. The one thing that I
> > failed to mention on the original note is that we're running Tomcat
> > on a Windows server. So I'm not sure if that has anything to do
> > with the issue that we're seeing or not...
> I wouldn't expect Windows to have anything to do with it, same for
> HTTP/1.0 versus HTTP/1.1... headers haven't changed much across HTTP
> versions, and Tomcat treats those headers the same regardless of the
> advertised version of the protocol. The biggest difference between
> HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 is that HTTP/1.1 has a few required headers.
> > That being said, I will double-check the catalina.out to see if we
> > can find any cookie parsing related errors.
> That would be good. Again, it will probably only be logged a single
> time, not every time. But if you have the opportunity to bounce Tomcat
> and hit it with a load that will likely cause an error to occur, you
> ought to be able to catch an error message -- if indeed Cookie-parsing
> is the problem. Or, if request-parsing is the problem, too.
> One more question: are you using a reverse-proxy like httpd out in
> front? Exactly where are you sampling with Wireshark?
> - -chris
> > On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > Chad,
> >
> > On 2/27/18 9:44 AM, Chad Stansbury wrote:
> >>>> We've been troubleshooting an issue where our web application
> >>>> is getting a very occasional request that contains no cookies
> >>>> even though a Wireshark on the application server shows those
> >>>> cookies coming in on the request.
> >>>>
> >>>> I was able to replay the request that was captured via
> >>>> Wireshark, and when doing so, everything goes through just
> >>>> fine... so that rules out any sort of weird character set /
> >>>> header parsing issues.
> >>>>
> >>>> Environment specifics: Tomcat v7.0.77 running the (http-bio)
> >>>> connector
> >>>>
> >>>> Now here's the twist: Currently something in the site
> >>>> infrastructure has been configured to proxy to Tomcat with
> >>>> HTTP/1.0 instead of 1.1. We're trying to track that down and
> >>>> address that issue (for performance reasons), but in the mean
> >>>> time, we're wondering whether or not this is a concurrency
> >>>> issue related to protocol caching/recycling?
> >>>>
> >>>> Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? Is there any
> >>>> legitimate scenario(s) where Tomcat will *not* parse out the
> >>>> cookies, but still route the request to the web app? Is this
> >>>> possible an edge condition that that might be caused by the
> >>>> use of HTTP/1.0? Could this possibly be caused by the number
> >>>> of maxThreads exceeding the `processorCache` value?
> >
> > My immediate thought is that the cookie name or value contains a
> > character that causes parsing to fail within Tomcat. Do you have
> > any information about which cookies appear to be being ignored by
> > Tomcat (that is, not passed-on to the application) versus those
> > that ARE available to the application?
> >
> > Tomcat will generally log cookie-parsing errors to catalina.log,
> > and possibly to the application's log as well, but it may only do
> > so once per Tomcat-launch to avoid filling the disk with logs. Are
> > you seeing anything in the Tomcat logs which suggest that
> > cookie-parsing is failing ?
> >
> > Is the client a browser, or some non-human-interface device, such
> > as a client-library or something like that?
> >
> > -chris
> >>
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