Dear Jerry,

According to my personal preference I am a big fan of Head first book
series ("head first java"). Here you can find good examples for teaching.

Moreover I can suggest " effective java" and "Java in nutshell" books.


On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 10:04 pm Jerry Malcolm, <> wrote:

> Completely off-topic.  But I figure this is the perfect group to ask
> this question to.  I will be teaching a university level intro to Java
> programming (for non-programming majors) in the spring semester.  I am
> looking for a good textbook to use.   I've been out of academia for
> years.  So I'm not up to date on available java textbooks.   If you are
> aware of a good textbook, please let me know.  You can reply here.  Or
> just PM me at the address above (please put 'textbook' in the subject
> line if you PM me).
> Thanks.
> Jerry (
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