On 16/12/2018 03:01, Kohei Nozaki wrote:
> Hello,
> It turned out that the "sjsxp" library which JAX-WS RI v2.1.3 uses makes 
> Tomcat behave this way. I tried a different version of JAX-WS RI (v2.1.7) 
> which doesn't use the "sjsxp" library anymore and it solved the issue.

Thanks for reporting back when you found a solution.

> A very similar issue posted on the Metro mailing list: 
> http://metro.1045641.n5.nabble.com/JAX-WS-RI-2-1-5-returning-malformed-response-tp1063518.html
> It's surprising that a bug of a framework which is built on the Servlet API 
> can make such an issue happen, but anyway thank you very much everyone who 
> helped me out.

I'm guessing it held onto a reference and re-used it when it shouldn't.
That can cause all sorts of chaos.


> Regards,
> Kohei
>> On Dec 4, 2018, at 3:39, Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net> 
>> wrote:
> Kohei,
> On 12/1/18 10:06, Kohei Nozaki wrote:
>>>> Hello Konstantin, thanks for sharing the valuable information.
>>>>> On Dec 1, 2018, at 19:00, Konstantin Kolinko
>>>>> <knst.koli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> * Our downstream Nginx instance (The client of our Tomcat
>>>>>> instance) recorded the error "upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0
>>>>>> header while reading response header from upstream" at that
>>>>>> time and the error makes perfect sense concerning the response
>>>>>> which has neither HTTP status line nor HTTP headers.
>>>>> 1. See the official FAQ / Troubleshoting page: 
>>>>> https://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/Troubleshooting_and_Diagnostics
> Especially pay attention to
>>>>> 1) configuring an access log 2) setting system property 
>>>>> org.apache.catalina.connector.RECYCLE_FACADES=true
>>>> I've investigated "RECYCLE_FACADES" and understand that an
>>>> improperly implemented application which keeps a reference to
>>>> Request or Response objects outside of their lifecycle can make
>>>> such an issue like mine happen (please correct me if I'm wrong..).
>>>> But I still don't quite understand what does "RECYCLE_FACADES=true"
>>>> do. The Wiki page says "This makes it easier to spot illegal access
>>>> when it happens, instead of waiting until side effects of such
>>>> access become visible" but how does it make easier? Does this
>>>> property make Tomcat produce an Exception or make Tomcat produce
>>>> some warning message to a log file or something when such accesses
>>>> happen, for example?
> Tomcat usually handles requests something like this. Imagine a
> single-threaded server where Tomcat only accepts a single connection
> at a time (just to simplify the code to the point where it fits into a
> ML post).
> Many of these methods are made-up. There is no
> TomcatHttpServletRequest class or a .setRequestLine method in it
> (though there are ... siilar concepts in there, way down deep). The
> point is how the objects are used, or rather *re* used.
> HttpServletRequest request = new TomcatHttpServletRequest();
> HttpServletResponse response = new TomcatHttpServletResponse();
> Connection conn = null;
> while(null != (conn = socket.acceptConnection()) {
>    request.setRequestLine(conn.getRequestLine());
>    request.setInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
>    response.setOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
>    Servlet servlet = getServletForRequest(request);
>    if(null == servlet)
>        servlet = defaultServlet;
>    servlet.service(request, response);
>    request.reset();
>    response.reset();
> }
> In "real" Tomcat, each Connection object holds its own Request and
> Response objects ad manages them in a similar way, and of course,
> Tomcat can accept multiple simultaneous connections -- including
> multiple requests over a single connection -- simultaneously -- in the
> case of HTTP/2.
> If you enable the RECYCLE_FACADES in Tomcat, the code changes to
> behave like this:
> Connection conn = null;
> while(null != (conn = socket.acceptConnection()) {
>    HttpServletRequest request = new TomcatHttpServletRequest();
>    HttpServletResponse response = new TomcatHttpServletResponse();
>    request.setRequestLine(conn.getRequestLine());
>    request.setInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
>    response.setOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
>    Servlet servlet = getServletForRequest(request);
>    if(null == servlet)
>        servlet = defaultServlet;
>    servlet.service(request, response);
>    request.dispose();
>    response.dispose();
> }
> Note how the request and response objects are no longer re-used across
> requests. This represents a trade-off between security/stability
> (always getting a fresh object) versus performance (less
> garbage-collection for a given request). An application can do things
> to the request or response that can break the way the server works, so
> an untrusted application should always be run with RECYCLE_FACADES set
> to ON.
> If the application keeps a reference to a request or response object
> after the request has completed (as defined by returning from
> servlet.service()), then Bad Things can happen. If you write to that
> response's OutputStream, for example, you might write into the
> response of *another request* that is being handled after your code
> should be finished.
>>>> p.s. Speaking of the possibility of an improper implementation,
>>>> I've found some discussions which seem to have some similarity to
>>>> my case like the following:
>>>> *
>>>> http://tomcat.10.x6.nabble.com/NullPointerException-in-MimeHeaders-td2
> 054107.html
>>>> : I've seen some similar Exceptions at the "MimeHeaders" class
>>>> which were recorded in my Tomcat's log too
>>>> *
>>>> http://tomcat.10.x6.nabble.com/Tomcat-occasionally-duplicating-respons
> es-td5034710.html
>>>> : A case where a bug in a Filter make Tomcat produce an invalid
>>>> HTTP response
>>>> Those discussions made me think of this possibility where my app
>>>> might be improperly implemented. I'm going to check the application
>>>> code from this perspective on Monday.
> When you use RECYCLE_FACADES, your application will only retain a
> reference to a useless object.... one which will likely NPE at some
> point when your code calls it. This makes the application safer
> (because one misbehaving servlet won't damage requests/responses
> currently in-use by subsequent requests) and also helps you find the
> error in your own code (because the problem will usually manifest
> itself as an earlier NPE instead of some "weirdness" which cannot
> really be readily explained because of the complexities of how objects
> are re-used, etc.).
> Hope that helps,
> -chris
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