
It's not maven.  It's a simple WAR file project.  Actually several virtual hosts with several WAR files per host.  I don't build in Eclipse.  I simply reference the source tree.  Everything is deployed in Tomcat and running fine standalone.

I decided to start from scratch and reinstalled the latest TC (9.0.14 I think).  I copied my server.xml and my Catalina virtual host folders.  Started it up with Windows services.  Ran perfectly.  Created a new eclipse workspace, defined the server. It started up fine.  But again... no jdbc.

I had this all working a month ago, which is the frustrating thing.   But startup was taking forever.  So I removed a few unused virtual hosts, and I updated the jarsToScan/jarsToSkip in  It started failing after that.  But note that I did NOT make the changed to Catalina properties in the reinstall.   The frustrating part is that whatever I did to cause this, it doesn't fail when running standalone.  Only in Eclipse. And I can't find anything in my server.xml or my virtual host files in Catalina that looks wrong  (And if it is wrong, wouldn't native TC flag it as well?)

Is there some step I'm missing in Eclipse to 'define' JDBC access for a server? (I'm not that proficient in Eclipse...)

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name [jdbc/forklifts] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [jdbc].
Feb 09, 2019 10:49:49 AM org.apache.jsp.jsp.guest.flcHome_jsp _jspService
SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at jwm.db.DBTableObject.<init>(
    at jwm.db.DBRecord.<init>(
    at jwm.servletdb.ServletRecord.<init>(
    at jwm.entity.db.PersonDBRecordBase.<init>(

On 2/9/2019 10:27 AM, Arjuna Bandara wrote:


Are you running Maven project?

Could you send error msg?



On Sat, 9 Feb 2019 9:46 pm Jerry Malcolm, <> wrote:

Any idea what could cause 'jdbc' to not be found when running eclipse,
but it is found when running outside eclipse?

I have a fully functional Tomcat 9.0 running fine with Windows
services.  But when I define a Tomcat 9.0 server in Eclipse and start it
up, the first time I need to access a datasource jdbc/abcxyz it fails
saying jdbc can't be found.  I figure I'm doing something wrong in the
config.  But I've tried clearing out eclipse and starting over many times.




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