I'm looking forward to hearing from the dev folks on this.  I suspect
it has something to do with the context configuration.

A long time ago, I started doing my own session management, but then I
don't mind building out the pieces I needed for clustering.  In fact,
I decided to store session information in the database (persistent).
That makes scaling easy.

On 4/11/19, Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com> wrote:
> Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are
> managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out what is
> going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and sent back in a
> response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must return that session
> key on subsequent calls.  But if there are several webapps on domain,
> how does the browser differentiate which session key to send back on a
> subsequent response?  Is it just understood that the first 'folder'
> level under the domain (i.e. context name) is always a different session
> key? (myDomain.com/order vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser
> send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which one,
> if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education here....
> Thx.
> Jerry
> On 4/11/2019 9:35 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick response, Luis.  Answers below:
>> On 4/11/2019 3:22 AM, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
>>> Hello Jerry,
>>>> I'm using single sign-on
>>> Do you mean tomcat Single Sign On valve? [1], a third party solution or
>>> your custom implementation? That can change the game completely :)
>> Yes, standard Tomcat-provided single sign on valve
>>>> some RewriteRules in httpd
>>> Can you share them? That could change the game also :)
>> Here's some of my rewrite rules from httpd.conf for this virtualhost:
>>          RewriteRule ^/create_user$
>> /idmanager/jsp/guest/createuser.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/forgot_password$
>> /idmanager/jsp/guest/forgotpassword.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/logoff$ /idmanager/jsp/guest/logoff.jsp [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/change_password$
>> /idmanager/jsp/user/changepassword.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/login$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/userhome$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/cart$ /order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp? [PT,QSA]
>>          RewriteRule ^/checkout$ /order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/submitOrder$ /order/jsp/guest/orderSubmit.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>          RewriteRule ^/displayImage$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>          RewriteRule ^/product$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>          RewriteRule ^/storeFront$ /order/jsp/guest/storeFront.jsp [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/orders$ /order/jsp/user/orderList.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/pay$ /payment/jsp/user/flcPayProvision.jsp [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/projectlist$
>> /projectmanager/jsp/user/projectlist3.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/about$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/about.jsp? [PT]
>>          RewriteRule ^/$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/uprHome.jsp [PT]
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luis
>>> [1]
>>> https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/valve.html#Single_Sign_On_Valve
>>> El jue., 11 abr. 2019 a las 5:57, Jerry Malcolm
>>> (<techst...@malcolms.com>)
>>> escribió:
>>>> I have a TC host that is running about 10 separate webapps that
>>>> interact
>>>> with each other.  I understand that sessions are per-webapp. But within
>>>> one webapp, with the same browser just making different calls to the
>>>> same webapp is starting new sessions about 30% of the time. I've put a
>>>> debug statement at the beginning of all of my JSPs that logs
>>>> session.isNew().  It'll start a new session, then use it for 10 or so
>>>> subsequent calls. But then it'll decide to drop that session and
>>>> start a
>>>> new one that it'll subsequently use for a while. The setup is nothing
>>>> fancy.  It's just calling several different JSPs within the same webapp
>>>> (context).  I am keeping data in the session that really needs to
>>>> persist for the duration of the 'real' session between the user and the
>>>> site.  So this is a serious problem.   (This is happening both with
>>>> Firefox and Chrome).  I'm using TC 9.0.1 on Windows.
>>>> I definitely could have some misunderstandings here.  But my first
>>>> understanding is that once a browser makes a call to a webapp, a
>>>> session
>>>> is created, and that session remains around until invalidated on a
>>>> logout or a timeout occurred, and that webapp uses that session for the
>>>> remainder of the activity between that browser and that webapp.  If
>>>> that's not the case, then please set me straight. If that assumption is
>>>> correct, what could possibly be causing the sessions to keep dropping
>>>> and new ones created?
>>>> Interestingly, logon state is not being dropped with the new sessions.
>>>> I'm using single sign-on.  So that may be ensuring the logon doesn't
>>>> drop.
>>>> The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some
>>>> RewriteRules in
>>>> httpd to map the complex url paths to single words like "/product".
>>>> (SEO
>>>> advisor told me to do that...) I'm trying to see in the logs if
>>>> there is
>>>> a correlation between rewrites and the new sessions.  But I can't
>>>> really
>>>> tell if that's what's causing it.
>>>> Am I missing or do I have some sort of errant configuration setting
>>>> that
>>>> is causing the sessions to keep reinitiating?  Is there something else
>>>> I'm missing?  I really need to have sessions that last as long as the
>>>> user is on the site.
>>>> Suggestions?  Help??
>>>> Thx.
>>>> Jerry
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