Thanks for all the feedback, André,  Christopher, and John. Let me see if I can 
quickly answer everyone's comments.

Since there is a TCB for each connection, and the OS knows which TCBs are 
associated with which processes, I don't see any problem using the same local 
port on different sockets. When a packet arrives from a remote server, the 
stack looks at the full socket details, checks for a matching TCB, and routes 
the packet to the appropriate process.  There's no confusion (except when using 
tools that don't show process names, like netstat without -p).

Using > 64K local source ports seems like a useful capability in high-load 
environments where tomcat is doing a lot of back-end access (i.e., where JSPs 
and class files frequently call back-end services). With hashing and indexing, 
having giant connection tables does not seem like an unrealistic amount of 
processing load to me. Linux-based stateful firewalls have to keep track of a 
lot more connections than that, with rule processing and even layer-7 
inspection at the same time, on relatively low-powered hardware.

FYI, I don't have 1800 tomcat instances on one server. I have about 100 
instances on each of 18 servers.

That said, I agree that the real focus should probably be on the JDBC driver. I 
asked the question here because it seemed like a good place to start. Any ideas 
where I could go to chat with JDBC developers?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz <>
> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 1:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Does Tomcat/Java get around the problem of 64K maximum
> client source ports?
> Hash: SHA256
> André,
> On 3/27/20 11:01, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) wrote:
> > On 27.03.2020 14:27, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) wrote:
> >> On 26.03.2020 20:42, Eric Robinson wrote:
> >>>> -----Original Message----- From: Olaf Kock <>
> >>>> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:06 PM
> >>>> To: Subject: Re: Does Tomcat/Java get
> >>>> around the problem of 64K maximum client source ports?
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Eric,
> >>>>
> >>>> On 26.03.20 18:58, Eric Robinson wrote:
> >>>>> Greetings,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Many people say the maximum number of client ports is 64K.
> >>>>> However,
> >>>> TCP connections only require unique sockets, which are defined
> >>>> as...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> local_IP:local_port -> remote_ip:remote_port
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Theoretically, it is possible for a client process to keep using
> >>>>> the same local
> >>>> source port, as long as the connections are to a unique
> >>>> destinations. For example on a local machine, the following
> >>>> connections should be possible...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ->
> >>>>> -> ->
> >>>>> ->
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I've seen this demonstrated successfully here:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> have
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> - -to-be-unique-per-host
> >>>>>
> >>>>> As someone on that page pointed out, while it is possible, it does
> >>>>> not
> >>>> commonly occur in practice "because most TCP APIs don't provide a
> >>>> way to create more than one connection with the same source port,
> >>>> unless they have different source IP addresses." This leads to the
> >>>> 64K maximum client port range, but it is really a limitation of the
> >>>> APIs, not TCP.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So how does tomcat handle things? Is it limited to a maximum 64K
> >>>>> client
> >>>> source ports, or is it 64K per destination, as it should be?
> >>>>
> >>>> To be honest, I can't remember to have seen a web- or application
> >>>> server that accepts 64K concurrent connections at all, let alone to
> >>>> a single client.
> >>>>
> >>>> I can't come up with any reason to do so, I'd assume that there's a
> >>>> DOS attack if I get 100 concurrent incoming connections from a
> >>>> single IP, and a programming error if the server sets up more than
> >>>> 1K outgoing connections
> >>>>
> >>>> Maybe I'm missing the obvious, or have only administered
> >>>> meaningless installations, but I fail to see the real world
> >>>> relevance of this question.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> I don't blame you for being puzzled, but this not about tomcat
> >>> accepting connections. It's about tomcat acting as the client, where
> >>> MySQL is the server. I'm referring to client connections from tomcat
> >>> to MySQL. We have about 1800 instances of tomcat running. This
> >>> question comes up once in a while when tomcat can't connect to
> >>> MySQL. Trust me, it can be an issue.
> >>>
> >>> --Eric
> >>>
> >>
> >> The question is : is there even any Java API (method) (or even OS
> >> API) which allows a client to open a (client, non-LISTEN) socket AND
> >> specify the client IP address and/or port ?
> >>
> >> I mean, if there is none, then the question may be interesting in the
> >> absolute, but ultimately pointless.
> >>
> >> I believe that the IP address of client packets, will be determined
> >> by which /route/ the OS determines that the target server address can
> >> be reached (which will determine through which network interface the
> >> packets "go out", which will determine the sender IP address inserted
> >> in the packets). I don't think that the application-level software
> >> (here a java webapp) can determine this in advance. And the client
> >> port will be decided by the OS-level TCP stack, in function of which
> >> ones are not yet in use (which a java webapp can also not determine
> >> in advance).
> >>
> >> Example of creating a client socket : Socket echoSocket = new
> >> Socket(hostName, portNumber); The hostname (or IP address of
> >> ditto) and port numbers passed as arguments, are the IP:port of the
> >> server you are connecting /to/, not the ones of the local socket.
> >>
> >
> > Addendum :
> >
> >
> kets-share-a-port/11129641
> >
> >
> >
> > From which I gather that, although it may be possible (in some
> > languages or using some API) to open several client connections (to
> > different target IP/port) using the same local port number, you may
> > still have other issues when doing this : - the host's TCP/IP stack
> > has to keep track of all the simultaneous connections, and if the list
> > gets very large, this may become very resource-intensive
> Those resources must be available, used or not. You can't have a TCP/IP stack
> which is documented to support 64k connections but only actually supports
> 32k or 16k.
> Also, 64k entries in a connection table isn't large. It can even be indexed 
> in a
> way that makes it *very* fast to look them up, either by hash or even just
> port-number(s). Your are more likely to be using-up your computer's
> resources moving bulk data around than just trying to manage the
> connections moving that data.
> > - there may be a limit at the OS level, to how many sockets are
> > allowed at the same time
> Yep, 64k. There may be some kind of "reserved" pool that the OS wants to
> maintain and e.g. refuse to allow services to listen to local ports jut in 
> case
> clients need to be able to spin-up. That would be a little weird, but I'm no
> networking expert.
> > - to each connection, corresponds some kind of a "file descriptor".
> > There may be limits, at the process level (in this case the JVM
> > running tomcat), or even at the host level, to how many of those may
> > be in use at any one time (So if you were running on a host one JVM
> > for a tomcat instance, it would compete with other processes running
> > on the same host and also using file
> > descriptors)
> Yes. 1800 Tomcat instances on a single server seems... high to me.
> > It seems also thus possible that the reason why you are running
> > against a problem not being able to make additional connections to a
> > MySql server, is not necessarily the usage of all 64K port numbers,
> > but one of the other limitations above.
> Or even the server refusing to allow that many connections. We have limits
> on our database for the total number of active connections mostly to protect
> the database from some kind of application bug/attack/etc. There just
> should be no more than X non-admin connections established to the
> database because otherwise even simple queries (in huge numbers) could
> bring it down.
> - -chris
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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