Am 22.06.20 um 13:22 schrieb Ayub Khan:
> Felix,
> I executed ls -l /proc/$(cat /var/run/ and  from the output
> I see majority of them are related to sockets as shown below, some of them
> point to the jar file of tomcat and others to the log file which is created.
>  socket:[2084570754]
>  socket:[2084579487]
>  socket:[2084578478]
> socket:[2084570167]

Can you try the other command (lsof -p $(cat It should
give a bit more details on the used sockets that the proc directory.


> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 1:28 PM Felix Schumacher <
>> wrote:
>> Am 22.06.20 um 11:41 schrieb Ayub Khan:
>>> Chris,
>>> I am using HikariCP for connection pooling. If the database is leaking
>>> connections then I should see connection not available exception.
>>> How do I find out which file descriptors are leaking ?  these are not
>> files
>>> open on disk as there is no explicit disk file I/O in this application.
>>> I just use the below command to check for open file descriptors:
>>> watch "sudo ls /proc/`cat /var/run/`/fd/ | wc -l"
>> You could have a look at the name of the files in the pids proc directory.
>>  $ ls -l /proc/$(cat /var/run/
>> Or you could use the tool lsof to find the open file descriptors.
>>  $ lsof -p $(cat /var/run/
>> For both calls you should first change to the uid of the tomcat user or
>> use sudo as in your example.
>> Felix
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> Ayub
>>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 8:18 PM Christopher Schultz <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Ayub,
>>> On 6/20/20 11:51, Ayub Khan wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry we are using  8.0.32 version of tomcat.
>>>>>> below is the configuration:
>>>>>> Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu) Server built:   Jan
>>>>>> 24 2020 16:24:30 UTC Server number: OS Name:
>>>>>> Linux OS Version:     4.4.0-1087-aws Architecture:   amd64 JVM
>>>>>> Version:    1.8.0_181-b13 JVM Vendor:     Oracle Corporation
>>>>>> I use the below command to check the file descriptors:
>>>>>> watch "sudo ls /proc/`cat /var/run/`/fd/ | wc -l"
>>> So you know there is some kind of increase in file-handle use, but you
>>> don't know what types of file handles are increasing, right?
>>> Can you try to find out which kinds of file handles are increasing?
>>> I have a sneaking suspicion that it's your database connections and
>>> not actually files open on the disk.
>>> Are you using a database connection pool? If not, you should really
>>> use one and limit the number of connections to something sane. If you
>>> are using one, are you monitoring it to see how many connections are
>>> actually being used? Are you sure you are using proper resource
>>> management[1]? Even a single code-path that leaks connections can leak
>>> them quickly under load.
>>>>>> When there an issue related to broken files, this value keeps
>>>>>> increasing, the only way to bring it down is to remove vm instance
>>>>>> from AWS load balancer.> Which version of tomcat should I install
>>>>>> ?
>>> Tomcat 8.0.x hasn't been supported since its last release on 29 June
>>> 2018. That was 8.0.53. Your release is from 8 February 2016 and is
>>> dangerously out of date (unless you are using the Ubuntu-packaged
>>> version, in which case I hope they kept-up with security patches thee
>>> past 4 years).
>>> -chris
>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 6:28 PM Christopher Schultz <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ayub,
>>>>>> On 6/19/20 16:46, Ayub Khan wrote:
>>>>>>>>> tomcat 8.5 broken pipe increases open files on ubuntu AWS
>>>>>> Which exact version of Tomcat 8.5? If you aren't running the
>>>>>> latest version (8.5.56), please upgrade and re-test.
>>>>>>>>> If there is slow response from db I see this stack trace and
>>>>>>>>> the open files goes high and the only way to open files go
>>>>>>>>> down is to remove the instance from Amazon load balancer.
>>>>>>>>> Is there a way to keep the open files low even when Broken
>>>>>>>>> pipe error is thrown ?
>>>>>> What is your evidence that file handles are being left open?
>>>>>> Which file handles are being left open?
>>>>>> -chris
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