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On 8/26/20 13:59, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 26/08/2020 17:50, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> On 8/26/20 05:27, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 26/08/2020 08:14, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 7:53 AM Pratik Shrestha
>>>> <pratik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for reply,
>>>>> Hi Peter - it complains on port 8443 which belongs to
>>>>> Tomcat.
>>>>> Hi Mark - Yes. making HTTP request on HTTPS is wrong. But
>>>>> this security vulnerability is given to us by Qualys scan.
>>>>> It tries to post plain HTTP request on HTTPS port and then
>>>>> gets error message "Bad Request. This combination of host
>>>>> and port requires TLS." which is security loop hole for
>>>>> Qualys.
>>> On what basis?
>>> I fail to see any security issue here other than "Qualys says
>>> so" which is not a valid description of a security
>>> vulnerability.
>> My guess is that this is some form of "server fingerprinting"
>> that they are claiming, like "Zomg! It says Server:
>> Apache-Coyote/1.1! You are $uper vulnerable to 0days, now!".
> The entire response, including headers is,
> ===== HTTP/1.1 400 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
> Connection: close
> Bad Request This combination of host and port requires TLS. =====
>> Pratik, can you please be very clear about what the actual
>> complaint is? Are they objecting to one or more of the
>> following:
>> 0. Any legible response at all (meaning they just want a
>> connection-drop response) 1. Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 response
>> header 2. Predictable / stock text (e.g. "Bad Request. This
>> combination of host and port requires TLS." identifies the server
>> as Tomcat v.x.y or later) 3. Actual Tomcat version number in
>> response
>>> Absent a description of how this can be exploited (and I'll be
>>> very surprised if this can be exploited), there is no security
>>> issue here and Tomcat will not be making any changes.
>> It seems reasonable to (configurably) strip-out version
>> information if there is anything in there... which there probably
>> is not.
> Correct, there isn't.
>> I'm interested in having Tomcat be able to pass these
>> (admittedly stupid) security requirements,
> I have no interest in adding bloat to Tomcat so it can pass so
> called security requirements that have no relevance to actual
> security. Those sort of changes are the sort that get me starting
> to think about using a veto.

Understood. But what does the OP have in terms of options at this point?

1. Ignore the complaint (probably not possible)
2. Request a waiver for this issue (probably not possible, or at least
would require 10 years of red tape)
3. Front the server with httpd + "ErrorDocument 400" (which ... I
think will *also* reply with a plaintext response, right?)
4. Switch to Jetty

I'm trying to avoid "the easiest thing" which is probably to switch to
Jetty. I know our "customers" don't pay for Tomcat, but losing a
"customer" sucks.

>> so maybe we could have a setting on the <Connector> that can
>> allow ERR_EMPTY_RESP to be sent if the handshake fails due to
>> probably-not-encrypted just like older versions of Tomcat> did.
> That sounds suspiciously like bloat to me.

How about being able to specify the response text, possibly blank?

I think "ErrorDocument 400" with nothing else might mean the same
thing as [[ErrorDocument 400 ""]] meaning that the response will
include NO CONTENT. Maybe that's what Qualys is looking for.

> I've never been particularly convinced by the fingerprinting
> argument. Either you are running a version without any published
> security vulnerabilities that affect you (in which case
> fingerprinting doesn't help the attacker) or you are running a
> version with published security vulnerabilities that do affect you
> and you are relying on security by obscurity - which is no security
> at all.

Yes, "obscurity" doesn't count as a meaningful "security layer", but
you usually can't argue with "industry best practices" and "security

(I once had a security auditor tell me that we weren't ever allowed to
have an encryption key and encrypted data in the same place at the
same time, because that would be a violation of a security control.)

>> IMO, being able to reply in plaintext like this is a *feature*
>> (one that I personally and specifically lobbied to have added to
>> Tomcat) and shouldn't be removed. If it's not the end of the
>> world to add an option to disable it, though, I think we ought to
>> do it.
> I'm not (yet) convinced of the benefits of such an option.

Just what I call "checkbox security". That is... no actual benefit at al

- -chris
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