
> What I've done is ripped out our core services from our internal app server
> and provided an app server connector layer.  The idea is that we'll be able
> to plug into any app server like container.  Our own internal, JBoss,
> WebSphere, Tomcat???
> That is the idea.  So we have customers that may have tomcat installed and
> perhaps they would like to utilize that instead of installing another app
> server.

That is perfectly reasonable.

Here's a suggestion: create a new webapp that doesn't actually have any
servlets. Just create a ContextListener that responds to START and STOP
requests, and use the listener to startup your services.

web.xml in each webapp can specify the order of servlets coming into
service... I'd imagine that Tomcat can be configured to load this
"services" webapp before all other webapps are loaded, so that those
services are available.

Would this meet your needs?


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