I am trying to deploy OSCAR-EMR in a new location (for my wife's office),
with better encryption and database replication.  We have an existing
bare-metal instance running that her boss assembled. It's fragile, but it

In both ubuntu 18.04 and devuan beowulf VMs, I can start up tomcat9
and openjdk (8 or 11) and talk to the tomcat9-admin interface.

I then deploy the oscar.war to /var/lib/tomcat19/webapps, and observe
in htop that I get 5-6 threads that get very busy, as it extracts the app.

Then, port 8080 stops responding.  And also I see new connections just stall.

I wind up with two threads of java each chewing 100% of the CPU.
strace on it doesn't help, telling me that it looks like 32-bit code.
I think that the JIT might confuse it.  Are these threads doing I/O or system
calls? I can't tell.

(I can see the new connections stalling in netstat -tan, with unprocessed
bytes in the recv Q)

If I stop the java processes, and restart them, then they seem to continue
the "deploy", even if I have removed the oscar.war and
/var/lib/tomcat19/webcaps/oscar directory.  Clearly something else remembers
it.  When that happens, I get *no output* in catalina.out.

And _apt-get purge tomcat9_, and re-install, gets me back to the start, but I'd
like to understand where the deploy is being recorded and how I can undo only

I will get one message that I am trying to look at the cacheMaxSize
value in /etc/tomcat9/context.xml.
  <dang, that log file got deleted>

My question is, if the cacheMaxSize is too small, will it lead to some kind
of continual cache replacement where it never actually starts up?
If so, is there some debug that would let me estimate what an appropriate
cache size is?  The running machine has:
   <Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />

(I initially suspected the whole /dev/random issue, so I moved the TLS
to a proxy-pass Apache, but also I have virtio /dev/random, and I also
ln /dev/urandom to /dev/random just in case...)

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        |    IoT architect   [
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [

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