Thank you for the reply.

Christopher Schultz <> wrote:
    > On 8/12/21 11:05, Michael Richardson wrote:
    >> I am trying to deploy OSCAR-EMR

    > Wow, that still exists? I remember more than a decade ago being asked
    > to integrate a product at $work with that thing as a demo. We never
    > did, because the market seemed not to really exist. I see you are in
    > Canada. I know OSCAR same from McMaster University. Does it have a good
    > ecosystem and install base in CA?

Yes, it's still quite popular among many Ontario (and I'm told BC) doctors,
because it has good integration with the provincial billing system.  Doctor
like it because the price appears right, and doctors don't get rich by
spending money.

There are a number of support companies that install it, but my experience
(via my wife) is that their do a rather poor job of installation.
No understanding of database encryption, replication, or even how to enable 

There seems to be developer still working on it, according to the bitbucket
git commit lot.  But, the public community around it seems to have died, as
far as I can tell.

    >> I then deploy the oscar.war to /var/lib/tomcat19/webapps, and observe
    >> in htop that I get 5-6 threads that get very busy, as it extracts the
    >> app.

    > Hmm. I wouldn't expect more than 1 thread to get busy extracting that
    > application.

Sure, that's what I figured too.

    >> If I stop the java processes, and restart them, then they seem to
    >> continue the "deploy", even if I have removed the oscar.war and
    >> /var/lib/tomcat19/webcaps/oscar directory.  Clearly something else
    >> remembers it.  When that happens, I get *no output* in catalina.out.

    > What makes you think those threads are continuing to deploy the WAR
    > file? If the WAR file is missing, deployment would be most
    > difficult. When you remove the WAR file, are you also removing the
    > exploded-WAR-directory that Tomcat creates during the deployment of the
    > WAR?

Yes, I also remove the exploded WAR-directory, and also the

    >> (I initially suspected the whole /dev/random issue, so I moved the TLS
    >> to a proxy-pass Apache, but also I have virtio /dev/random, and I also
    >> ln /dev/urandom to /dev/random just in case...)

    > Okay, I don't mean to sound mean, but it sounds like you have no idea
    > what's going on, here. There are probably several issues, but let's
    > start with the first one: what are those threads doing at 100% CPU.

I am not a JAVA/Tomcat guy.
I do Rails for 15 years, postgres, maintain tcpdump and IPsec, and still
occasionally debug kernel issues.  But, mostly I write and implement IoT
security RFCs.

    > You don't have a /dev/random problem, because really nobody has that
    > problem anymore. Also, the /dev/random problem manifests as a "hung"
    > server with *zero* CPU usage.

Yes, I noticed that egd setting is no more.  I mention this to be clear that
I'd debugged that.

    > Reset your environment back to the beginning: fresh Tomcat, no log
    > files, no WAR deployed or anything like that. Start up Tomcat and make
    > sure everything looks good so far. Then deploy the WAR file and let
    > everything go to hell. After things settle down and you are in your "2
    > threads eating the CPU" situation, do the following:

    > 1. Grab the log file in CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out (or similar)
    > 2. Take a thread-dump of the running JVM[1]

Before doing the purge, I have tried kill -3 as instructed, and gotten
nothing (no output to catalina.out).

I am resetting now, and I'll kill -3 just after the war deploy.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        |    IoT architect   [
]        |   ruby on rails    [

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