
On 3/8/23 03:31, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 07/03/2023 21:09, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
Dear Mesrs. Thomas, Schultz, et al.:

Changing it to "org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" did the trick. The Tomcat 9 server launched, on our cloud Midrange box, and both it and the webapp contexts we have running seem to be working. It will, of course, require a bit more exercise before we start switching customer installations over to it.

Tomcat 8.5 gives a warning message:

15-Nov-2022 14:12:55.341 WARNING [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol.<init> The HTTP BIO connector has been removed in Tomcat 8.5.x onwards. The HTTP BIO connector configuration has been automatically switched to use the HTTP NIO connector instead.

and so I'm taking that to mean that 8.5 did automatically what I had to do by manually changing the configuration file.


Looking at the comparison chart on the protocols, I don't see any difference between NIO and NIO2. Could somebody point me to an explanation of what the difference is between BIO, NIO, and NIO2?

BIO uses blocking IO so it doesn't scale that well. You need one thread per current connection (including idle connections kept open with keep-alive).

Also, just in case it's not clear, BIO can't be used for non-blocking stuff.

NIO and NIO2 use non-blocking IO. It scales better as you need one thread per currently active connection.

NIO and NIO2 just use different ways of doing the same thing. Experience to date is that there isn't much difference between them.

AIUI, NIO2 had wild changes in performance during its maturation process, but these days is roughly equivalent to NIO in terms of performance and reliability.

At some point, it looked like it would be "the *new* NIO" but there has been a lot of refactoring under the hood of the NIO implementation to improve performance so it seems that NIO2 is left with a sort of a niche market. I'm sure there are certain things there NIO2 is much better than NIO but it doesn't seem to have much or a performance impact on the Tomcat-related use-cases.


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