You can't place a jsp in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps. Tomcat does not make that location available to the client.

You originally had a ecommerce webapp with a login.jsp file you wanted to access at the top level. I recommended you rename the webapp 'ecommerce' to 'ROOT' and reconfigure apache httpd to use that as the docroot instead of 'ecommerce'.

Please read the tomcat docs and re-read my previous responses.


PS: Please leave in the relevant parts of the message you are replying to. It's easier to answer when we don't have to dig back through the entire thread just to find out what's been said before.

jeusdi wrote:

So, What must I change in my configuration files. I want that I access to appear my login.jsp. I'm very stressed. I have a feeling I do
all right. I understant it.

my login.jsp is located in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/login.jsp

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