There are a lot of issues here, mostly having to do
with how you've structured your virtual hosts. 
However, I think the following should get you up and
running quickly.

In your VirtualHost directive, add the following line:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var login.jsp

That should bring up the login.jsp as a default index
when someone just goes to the directory.

Note, I have not tried this, but I do use this to
serve up .pl and .php index files.

I normally don't have a login.jsp page as the entry
point into my web application.  I normally put an
index.html splash page with a note about the web
application, and then on that page provide a link to
the login page should the user want to log in.

As I said above, there are a lot of potential issues
with the way you've constructed virtual hosts, both
with Apache and Tomcat.  The Tomcat issues are
certainly on topic for this mailing list, but the
Apache issues are probably not.

Hope this helps.

just my two cents . . . .

--- jeusdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>    mmm, I've compiled and linked and configured
> mod_jk with Apache 2.0
> correctly, but I doesn't work correctly. Mmm, if I
> access to
> explorer continues show me the
> code of my JSP, but if I
> access to it
> shows me correctly the
> JSP formatted or interpreted as simpe HTML file.
> I don't know What more Can I do. Can you say me what
> do I do wrong?
> jk.conf ->
> JkWorkersFile
> "/etc/apache2/properties/"
> JkLogFile "/var/log/apache2/jk.log"
> JkLogLevel debug
> ->
> #
> # List workers
> worker.list=treb
> #
> # Define work
> worker.treb.tomcat_home=$TOMCAT_HOME
> worker.treb.java_home=$JAVA_HOME
> worker.treb.port=8009
> worker.treb.type=ajp13
> worker.treb.cachesize=10
> worker.treb.cache_timeout=600
> worker.treb.socket_timeout=300
> worker.treb.lbfactor=1
> And httpd.conf ->
> ServerName
> NameVirtualHost
> <VirtualHost>
>         ServerName
>         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         DocumentRoot
> /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ecommerce
>         ErrorLog
> /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webshop/logs/error_log
>         CustomLog
> /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webshop/logs/access_log
> common
>         <LocationMatch ".*WEB-INF.*">
>                 AllowOverride None
>                 Deny from all
>         </LocationMatch>
>         JkMount /*.jsp treb
> </VirtualHost>
> -- 
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