Good day every one, this is the thing.
I am using the following:
*Linux Suse 10.1.
*Tomcat 5.0.28
*JDK 1.5
*MySql database

As the Subject of this messages states, I am having problems making tomcat
show the correct version of my application. I am working with an applet that
uses servlets to connect to a MySql database. From the beginning I had no
problems with it, but two days ago the tomcat started to display an older
version of the applet.
I am calling the applet using this format "ip/prime/servlets" (I am not
using,  intead I am using the computer local address ( to test it and is showing an older version of the applet. If I
use the localhost ip I get the correct version of the applet, and if I try
running it form another computer in the LAN I get again the older version.
I made it work for a second when I changed the 8080 port, to wok with the
port 80, but I am stucked again here.

I cheked the FAQ and it looks like there is no answer there for my problem.

I wold appreciate any pointers in this issue. Thanks in advance.

Roberto Torres

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