I have my development box setup how I think you want yours done
(though, I only access it locally from that machine). The 3 hosts
should have separate app bases and the context paths should be empty
(meaning the default path). What you've done up there should work if
you have your hosts file pointing access1.resolution.com,
ulc1.resolution.com and ihl1.resolution.com to your local machine and
you access your applications like this,
"http://ulc1.resolution.com/ihl"; (because you have the context path
set to "/ihl" and you don't define a default path).

Here's the jist of what I have:
<Host name="www.host1.com" appBase="/opt/projects/www/host1/web">
   <Context path="" docBase="/opt/projects/www/host1/web" />
<Host name="www.host2.com" appBase="/opt/projects/www/host2/web">
   <Context path="" docBase="/opt/projects/www/host2/web" />
<Host name="www.host3.com" appBase="/opt/projects/www/host3/web">
   <Context path="" docBase="/opt/projects/www/host3/web" />

I think the docBase can be blank in this case as well, as it should
default to the appBase (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

This should get you 3 hosts on 1 instance of Tomcat. A better idea (if
you're using this for production) might be to have 1 installation of
Tomcat, but have 3 separate instances - so you can start, stop or
reload the instance for any one host.

Instructions on how to do that can be found in the RUNNING.txt file
that came with your install.

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