
Mikolaj has a point... your are using JSP for something it was not
designed to do: generate static content. JSP was designed to generate
/dynamic/ content on the fly.

> what's crazy about it??, the site I am creating will contain user
> generated content, however the content isn't going to be changing
> frequently so i didn't want to have jsp's hold objects in memory for
> pages that aren't chnaging too often.

Since you have used the JSP to generate the content, that memory is
wasted, anyway (unless you restart the application).

> I have the user publish their info whenever they make changes to it.

Regardless of your 404 errors, might I suggest that you use a process
other than JSP to generate these files? Is it possible to have that
content dynamically generated every time from the source of "their
info"? Or are you attempting to avoid a performance problem in the future?

Some of the more foolish implementations of software have come from
people trying to solve performance problems that do not exist in the
first place.

At any rate, Tomcat /should/ be allowing you to view your files :(

I'm not sure what is wrong.


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