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Martin Gainty wrote:
> This is going O/T so feel free to ping me off the list
> These current graphs may help if you want to gage PHP assignments
> http://mshiltonj.com/sm/categories/languages_p-z/
> then compare to Java assignments
> http://mshiltonj.com/sm/categories/languages_a-m/

Wow... Java seems to enjoy a nice margin over the others. My experience
has been that Java developers are not that much in demand -- at least
not in the DC area.

> Can you show how a simle math routine or for loop routne in a script
> language PHP performs faster than a language java?

I believe that PHP is not entirely interpreted, at least not all the
time. It's unclear to me what Zend brings to the table, honestly. I
think what you'll find is that most web apps are very simple, and that
the performance characteristics of each language are far outweighed by
the performance of network connections (both HTTP and database) as well
as any database activity that you are doing in your app.

> Can you show how PHP supports <multi-threading>?

Yeah, PHP doesn't really do threads. You have to rely on the web
server's request processing configuration for concurrency. One advantage
of PHP is that pretty much everything is isolated (at least, if you use
apache httpd and the prefork MPM), so you generally need not worry about
synchronization, etc. -- at least not for objects and such.

> Can you show how PHP supports inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation?

I don't think any of that is available in PHP. They do have objects, but
they are loosely typed, which sort of blurs definition of "true" OO.
Still, I maintain that most webapps are stupid simple, and many don't
even write their own code outside of CRUD functions. Since those types
of things don't require you to know anything about OO, many developers
can get away without an OO language.

> Can you show how PHP supports all Java scope (request/page and application)?

The request scope /does/ exist, and the page scope implicitly exists
since a PHP script can be thought of a one big method (kinda like a
vanilla JSP page). The application scope pretty much does not exist.
There is a "global" scope, but I am unclear as to the behavior across
multiple instances of the PHP engine... for instance, does each script
get a separate copy of the "global" variable? Probably. Does that make
it not really a global variable? I suppose that depends on your point of

The bottom line for the whole PHP versus Java thing for me is perceived
complexity of a project. If I want it done super fast and super simple,
I'll go for PHP. If I want to actually architect something, then I'll
turn to Java. My experience has been that as PHP projects grow, they
become very difficult to maintain. Not so (or, at least, not so much!)
with Java.

Just my .02.

- -chris

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