>> With JSPs, it was always: edit, save, deploy to
>>Tomcat, go to test launcher page, then click on link/button to launch
>>the modified page (refresh didn't always cause a recompile, don't know
>>if that was a browser or Tomcat (or Apache->Tomcat) issue).

Remy is right, with JSPs also it's possible to instantly see your changes by 
simply refreshing your browser. 

I would like to add though that this purely depends on how your project is set 

You can have Tomcat point to the folder which contains the *source code* this 
is what allows one to instantaneously see the changes made to a JSP page. Do 
this in the development environment. 

Many (including myself) thought that we have to deploy all source files from 
source folder to Tomcat's webapps folder to see the changes made to the JSP. 
You can easily avoid this deploy cycle by simply pointing Tomcat to the source 
folder either in your app's context file which is located at:


inside Host configuration in server.xml

Deploy cycle should only be reserved for creating WAR files for either staging, 
production environment and not for seeing changes made to JSPs in development 

This will save a lot of time and clicks and changes to JSPs can be seen 
instantaneously simply by refreshing your browser.

One thing about JSPs are they are a bit slower since they get compiled on the 
first call. This can be solved by pre-compiling JSPs. 
There's good documentation on how to pre-compile JSPs with ANT on this site. 

Another disadvantage is that JSPs tend to be slower when there's a lot of 
hard-coded text right inside the JSP itself (HTML + documentation). 
To make JSPs faster I put large documents inside an XML file and then read the 
contents of the XML file inside the JSP, with JSTL tags. But, I think many 
people read documentation from the database or some kind of a MVC framework and 
html is dynamically generated.

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