> From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: installing the admin on 5.5
> /***obtain admin distro ****/
> download jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7-admin.zip from
> http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-5/archive/v5.5.7/bin/
> to a $TEMP folder

Please use a current Tomcat level, not one that's two years old.  Get
the current one (5.5.20) from:
Note that prior to obtaining the admin app, you must install the core
Tomcat from its .zip or .tar.gz download, not the .exe version, in order
to get directory naming compatible with the admin app download.  Do not
unzip the admin app to a temp folder - unzip it directly to where you
installed Tomcat.  Note that the admin app expects to be deployed into
$CATALINA_BASE/server/webapps, not $CATALINA_BASE/webapps in the 5.5
levels of Tomcat - that's why using the manager app to deploy admin
isn't appropriate.

> /*** get commons-modeler***/
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/downloads/downloads_commons-modeler.cgi
> and copy to $TEMP/admin/WEB-INF/lib

The above step is completely unnecessary for installing or running the
admin app and should be skipped.  The commons-modeler.jar is already in
server/lib in the standard Tomcat distribution.

> /***create the war***/
> cd admin
> jar -cvf admin.war ./*.*
> /****deploy***/
> http://localhost:8080/manager/html
> (go to bottom and browse and select warfile to deploy)
> Browse/Deploy admin.war 

Both of the above steps are unnecessary and will end up with admin
deployed in the incorrect location.  Also, the above will fail to put
the correct admin.xml into conf/Catalina/localhost - it will be missing
the privileged attribute in its <Context> element.

 - Chuck

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