  I am using Tomcat5.5.20 along with jdk 1.5.0_09 on Windows XP SP1 and running 
Tomcat as a Windows Service. For running Tomcat as windows service, I opened a 
cmd line prompt and executed the bat file, service.bat by providing the 
argument as "service.bat install".
  Then, I started the service and tomcat is running on the port 8080. I could 
access the Tomcat default page (http://localhost:8080) successfully. It worked 
fine upto this point.
  Issue 1:
  When I tried to access an application that I deployed by placing the war file 
in the webapps directory, it gives the exceptions. I could not access the login 
page of my application.
  The error says a dll of my application is not in java.library.path. 
(Everything works fine if I start the tomcat using the Startup.bat instead of 
running it as service. I could login to my application and perform the tasks as 
  But the path to this dll is defined in the SYSTEM variables in the SYSTEM 
PATH variable.
  It seems that tomcat is not able to read the SYSTEM Path correctly. Can any 
one provide me inputs on how to fix this issue?
  Issue 2:
  Also, if the tomcat is running in service mode, how to provide the 
application specific environment variables? I tried creating the file 
setenv.bat inside <CATALINA_HOME>\bin directory and stopped and restarted the 
service. But, tomcat service has not picked them up. (If we run tomcat in 
non-service mode, we can define the application specific settings in 
  Thanks for your consideration.
  Sampath Kumar

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