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Berglas, Anthony wrote:
> Tomcat seems to only check the Authorization: headers if there is some
> <security-constraint> explicitly declared in web.xml.  However, it
> appears that the  optimization has been incorrectly implemented because
> it does not then recheck the header if request.isUserInRole(...) etc.
> are called.  So users cannot log into a system that uses
> request.isUserInRole(...).

Well, since you haven't asked Tomcat to provide authorization, it
doesn't care about authentication. That seems perfectly reasonable to me.

> More specifically,
> my simple application tests request.isUserInRole(...) and
> request.getRemoteUser().  If the user lacks permissions the application
> sends a 401, and the user is prompted for a name/password which is sent
> back as a Authorization: Basic dGltOlBhc3N3b3JkMQ==

I'm guessing that you are manually sending the HTTP Auth header, right?
If that's the case, then you'll have to manually process the HTTP Auth
header coming from the client.

> There is no <security-constraint> clause in the web.xml because I do not
> want to declare them there.  (They are instead declared internally as
> part of a menuing system, which calls request.isUserInRole().)

Any reason not to use the built-in authorization features of the servlet
spec (which Tomcat correctly implements, IMO)?

> Is it possible for me to determine which users have which roles in my
> application so that I can check the header myself?  Ie. get at the
> tomcat-users.xml style info, in a (fairly) web server independent
> manner?
> Or going the other way, is it possible for webapp to easily find out
> what roles are required for a given .jsp to run?  (We want to grey out
> menu items that a user has no access to.)

Usually, this is done using a manual process where you call
request.isUserInRole('whatever') and then choose to display or not
display the links as appropriate. I don't believe there is a facility
for asking about what role /will be required/ for a certain URI pattern.

> My general feeling is that attempting to use Java Servlet security is
> just wrong.  One should simply do it oneself.

Using Java security is super simple. Why are you complicating things?
I'm sure there's a good reason. I'd just like to hear it.

- -chris

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