On Wed, April 4, 2007 1:48 am, Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
> If you have the full JDK installed then please set the JAVA_HOME
> environment variable to the JDK's root folder.

Yep, that's what I've had all along, I didn't try the JRE_HOME suggestion.

> I don't know much about Filters, but you may want to set the
> debug="true" on the Context, just to see if you get more user-friendly
> exception messages in the log files. Usually the log files contain
> additional messages that give additional clues.

That's a good thought, I didn't try that... the logs were where I saw the
actual NoClassDefFound exception.

> I think it will be a while before the documents catch-up. I have
> Tomcat 6.0.1 , and everything is as it came with the default install -
> I have a few projects , I don't use Filters but I don't get any other
> exception message so far.

As per my post last night, I discovered that the problem starts in
6.0.10... I ran a number of verions prior to that including 6.0.0, 6.0.4,
6.0.8 and 6.0.9, and it works perfectly in all of them.  I also
re-downloaded 6.0.10 from scratch and reinstalled and I got the same
failure, so it definitely is something peculiar to 6.0.10... now, whether
it's a bug or something I just don't know about the new version I can't
yet say.

> It is better to carefully examine the system wide classpath and remove
> unnecessary paths, if possible temporarily remove the classpath and
> see if the Filter classes could be located.

I went so far as to completely eliminate the system classpath.

> An incomplete or incorrect system classpath does cause problems, it's
> better to not set the system wide classpath.

Yep, I agree, and that's how I always in fact run, I never define a
system-wide classpath.

> -Rashmi


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