I have Mozila Firefox, Jakarta Tomcat v5.0.28, PHP5 and PostgreSQL 8.2.3-1 
installed seperately on my laptop, also have MySQL installed but using Postgres 
for project purpose.  All of my php files are listed under 
http://localhost:8080/ProjectFolder.  Some of my php files are webpages and 
most are scripts.  I have a database and a few tables created.  So far in DOS, 
I can query the database with a php script on its own.  In Windows, (Editplus 
text editor) one of my webpages is trying to execute the same php script via an 
Ajax xmlhttprequest, using alerts I have gone through the http readystates 
1,2,3,4 and http status 200, but am having problems accessing/parsing 
responseText.  In tomcat, I am getting as far as readystate 1, (firewall turned 
off).  Is there any particular/obvious reason why the request is breaking down 
in tomcat?  


----- Original Message ----
From: dimitryous r. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:58:16 PM
Subject: Re: Ajax xmlhttprequest

> I have a php webpage which is hosted on my laptop (XP and tomcat  
> localhost:8080).

Please tell me more about your configuration:
if your Apache Tomcat server is running on port 8080 how come do you  
get something out of a xxx.php script?
You mean: at http://localhost:8080/myfile.jsp (Apache Tomcat 5.5.x)  
this script call http://localhost/anyfile.php (Apache 1.3.xx with php/ 
MySQL built-in)???

Is this the way you do it?

Thank you much.

On 8 avr. 07, at 14:55, Richard Dunne wrote:

> I have a php webpage which is hosted on my laptop (XP and tomcat  
> localhost:8080). My webpage is executing a php script via an  
> xmlhttprequest which queries a database and sends back the info to  
> the webpage.   I have an a few alerts in my request to see the  
> http.readystate and the http.status as they change.  In windows  
> (IE7), when I execute the request I can see the readystate changing  
> 1,2,3,4 and the status 200.  In tomcat when I execute the request,  
> I am getting 1 alert, that is readystate 1, and thats as far as it  
> goes.  Can anyone suggest a possible solution, or have an idea as  
> to what the problem might be.
> Richard.
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