Debugging: via JkLogLevel debug, try to check, if your configured objects appear in the debug log and of course you are free to post the log.

Faheem Mitha wrote:

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Rainer Jung wrote:

Your worker.list entry is only a comment :(

This does look like it in the email, but it is probably some artifact of the cutting and pasting process. To make sure, I've added a blank line after every comment.

Anyway, that is not the problem. Any other ideas about this? Debugging strategies?

Thanks.                                                         Faheem.

Faheem Mitha wrote:


I'm trying to set up Apache to talk to Tomcat using the mod_jk connector. However, I get the following error in the log, /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

jk_handler::mod_jk.c (1986): Could not find a worker for worker name=ajp13_worker

Apparently it cannot find the definition (or whatever) for ajp13_worker, but this is defined in /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/ as far as I can tell.

I include the relevant portions of my config below. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be great.

Thanks in advance. Faheem.

Relevant portion of apache config
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

<VirtualHost x.x.x.60:443>
    ServerName ...
    # Sample mod_jk configuration
    # for Apache 2
    # for all commands/options available see the manual
    # provided in libapache-mod-jk-doc package.

    # The location where mod_jk will find the workers definitions
    JkWorkersFile       /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/

    # The location where mod_jk is going to place its log file
    JkLogFile   /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

    # The log level:
    # - info log will contain standard mod_jk activity (default).
    # - warn log will contain non fatal error reports.
    # - error log will contain also error reports.
    # - debug log will contain all information on mod_jk activity
# - trace log will contain all tracing information on mod_jk activity
    JkLogLevel  info

    # Assign specific URLs to Tomcat. In general the structure of a
    # JkMount directive is: JkMount [URL prefix] [Worker name]

    # send all requests ending in .jsp to ajp13_worker
    JkMount /*.jsp ajp13_worker
    #JkMount /* ajp13_worker
    # send all requests ending /servlet to ajp13_worker
    #JkMount /*/servlet/ ajp13_worker

# JkUnmount directive acts as an opposite to JkMount and blocks access
    # to a particular URL. The purpose is to be able to filter out the
    # particular content types from mounted context.

    # do not send requests ending with .gif to ajp13_worker
    #JkUnMount /servlet/*.gif ajp13_worker

# JkMount / JkUnMount directives can also be used inside <VirtualHost>
    # sections of your httpd.conf file.

# -
# This file is a simplified version of the supplied
# with the upstream sources. The jni inprocess worker (not build in the
# debian package) section and the ajp12 (deprecated) section are removed.
# As a general note, the characters $( and ) are used internally to define
# macros. Do not use them in your own configuration!!!
# Whenever you see a set of lines such as:
# x=value
# y=$(x)\something
# the final value for y will be value\something
# Normaly all you will need to do is un-comment and modify the first three
# properties, i.e. workers.tomcat_home, workers.java_home and ps.
# Most of the configuration is derived from these.
# When you are done updating workers.tomcat_home, workers.java_home and ps
# you should have 3 workers configured:
# - An ajp13 worker that connects to localhost:8009
# - A load balancer worker

# OPTIONS ( very important for jni mode )

# workers.tomcat_home should point to the location where you
# installed tomcat. This is where you have your conf, webapps and lib
# directories.

# workers.java_home should point to your Java installation. Normally
# you should have a bin and lib directories beneath it.

# You should configure your environment slash... ps=\ on NT and / on UNIX
# and maybe something different elsewhere.

#------ ADVANCED MODE ------------------------------------------------

#------ worker list ------------------------------------------
# The workers that your plugins should create and work with
# worker.list=ajp13_worker

#------ ajp13_worker WORKER DEFINITION ------------------------------

# Defining a worker named ajp13_worker and of type ajp13
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#  ----> lbfactor must be > 0
#  ----> Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

# Specify the size of the open connection cache.

#------ DEFAULT LOAD BALANCER WORKER DEFINITION ----------------------

# The loadbalancer (type lb) workers perform wighted round-robin
# load balancing with sticky sessions.
# Note:
#  ----> If a worker dies, the load balancer will check its state
#        once in a while. Until then all work is redirected to peer
#        workers.

Relevant portion of /etc/tomcat5.5/server.xml
    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector port="8009"
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

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