Hi guys... 

As promised, the Netbeans source version of Tomcat 6.0.13 server is on the site 
The Tomcat server port to a plain Netbeans project is called Wild-Cat.

And yes, what I was trying to do works, not only can you place Tomcat (Wildcat) 
in debug and watch the code as Browsers call in, you can debug from a servlet 
into the tomcat server.

Its a magic magic tool... next time a user says, "why is it chunking", now they 
can trace in and find the code that says.... "if its big and you havent set the 
size in the header... this is what I do stupid!"  ha ha.

Its so nice.... we going to give the Mailing List (help line) guys 6 months 
no not really, but they allowed to say... "call me when you have found the 
problem" ;)



Johnny Kewl 
  eMail: John<No Spam>kewlstuff.co.za  -- replace <No Spam> with @ --
  Cell: +027-72- 473-9331
Java Developer (Tomcat Aficionado)
  Free Tomcat software at  http://coolese.100free.com/

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