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On 15/06/2007, at 4:36 PM, Peter Crowther wrote:

From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 6/15/07, Jacob Bunk Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I experience random crashes of the JVM on a daily basis. It simply
fails with segmentation faults, double frees and similar. Are any of
you experiencing similar problems? I had the same problems
with Java5
and Tomcat 5.5, but less often.

I've had no such problems with either of the combinations you mention
on SuSE10/2.6.13-15-default or RHES3/2.4.21-9.EL. ...

Jacob, are you *absolutely* sure the hardware is solid?  Does anything
else ever crash?  Does the same setup work on another machine (I
appreciate this is not always easy to test)?

I have to agree with Peter. This definitely sounds like a hardware problem.
'Random' errors sound very much like faulty RAM. As you were also having
this problem before, it is obviously not a Java 6 problem.

What messages are you getting 'EXACTLY'?

You may also want to look in /var/log/messages and dmesg and see if you are
seeing any strange messages in there...



PS: The server isn't a SuperMicro server is it? (or rebadged like Transtec)
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