Zdeněk Vráblík escribió:

There is error in driverClassName.

Try use this:

Thanks, but I already have tested that with the same results.

On 7/18/07, "Julio J. Suárez Salinero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm Trying to connect a JSP tomcat-based application to Oracle using
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource and related classes. I have used
javax.sql.DataSource an it did work fine. I have made changes I need for
using that classes and when I get the DataSource it throws exception
"javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance".

Changes I have made are these:

In context.xml:

<Context path="/test" docBase="test" debug="0"
reloadable="true" >
name="jdbc/test" auth="Container"
maxActive="0" maxIdle="-1" maxWait="-1"
removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true"
username="test" password="test"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" />

In web.xml (only resource-ref):


Code that creates connection:

initCtx = new InitialContext();
ctx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:/comp/env");
fuenteDatos = (OracleConnectionPoolDataSource) ctx.lookup("/jdbc/test");
PooledConnection pc = fuenteDatos.getPooledConnection();
con = pc.getConnection();

I have searched in google and found some examples that use
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver in driverClassName. I have also tried
this option with the same results. I suppose bug is elsewhere.

I have tried to create DataSource instance in the code instead of get it
from resource. Doing this it drops no error and page works, but I don't
know how can I control maximun number of pooled connections. This is the
code I have used for that:

initCtx = new InitialContext();
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource fuenteDatos = new
initCtx.rebind(DS, fuenteDatos);
pc = fuenteDatos.getPooledConnection();

But it creates only one connection and doesn't allow two users to log in
at the same time.

Please. I need help.

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*Julio Javier Suárez Salinero*

*Departamento de programación*

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