Hi Friends,
I am trying to make an installer for  a small Tomcat web application and so
i am planning to include Tomcat in the cd itself. I have read the license
agreement for both Tomcat and JRE and I guess I can do that as long as I
distribute the appropriate license files.I have two doubts:

1. I was thinking to make it as easy for the end-user by just copying the
whole Tomcat folder into his drive and then automatically start the
tomcat6.exe and taking him to the webapp's index page.So, this won't prompt
the user for Tomcat Installer and would be like installing Tomcat from a zip
file.Would this work???

2. Tomcat needs JRE and since I am tyring to do a silent install, can i
throw the JRE jar under TOMCAT/lib or under my webapp's WEB-INF/lib and do
you think it will work,instead of making him go through the JRE installation

I would really appreciate if someone can shed some light on this...


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