> From: Matthew Kerle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Class c1 = request.getUserPrincipal().getClass(); //get the 
> class of the 
> Principal that tomcat created , which is a MemoryUser instance
> Class c2 = MemoryUser.class; // get the class loaded by the 
> current loader
> System.out.println(c1.getClassLoader().getClass.getName()); //prints 
> "org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader"
> System.out.println(c2.getClassLoader().getClass.getName()); //prints 
> "org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader"
> Great, so now I've got two different classloaders. Do you know if 
> there's any way I can cast the Principal to a Memoryuser 
> object and use 
> it? do I have to load the MemoryUser class in the current classloader?

Right.  So request.getUserPrincipal() returns a class that's loaded by
one of Tomcat's classloaders.  You need to make sure that when you
reference MemoryUser, it's loaded by the same classloader.

Thinking aloud here, so apologies to the more experienced folks in the
community who will have better ideas... Is MemoryUser.class in any of
the jars in your webapp?  I'm not entirely sure why there's a second
copy of it, loaded by the webapp's classloader, in the system.  I'd
expect the webapp's classloader to be unable to find the class as your
webapp loads and punt the request for the class up the classloader
chain, returning the standard classloader's class.  But I may be
misunderstanding Tomcat's classloaders.

                - Peter

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