
a few days ago i had the same question/problem. i found:


If this is correct (my own limited tests confirmed it) you're effectivly
limited to 2GB uploads using HTTP and it's not tomcat's problem alone -
if at all.

kind regards,

David Hesson wrote:
> I have installed 6.0.14 now and the same problem persists.  I am
> starting to worry about our choice to use Java for this web application
> project now... the client insisted that we used .NET framework or
> 'Microsoft' products if you will, but limitations arise.  I just won't
> be able to stand the 'we told you so' that is sure to happen if we can't
> find a workaround with existing deployment options that allow huge
> uploads.  He never mentioned he wanted 2+ GB uploads anyways, but again
> that's probably our fault for not asking, and then testing limitations
> before designing/selecting frameworks, language, etc.
> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>> From: David Hesson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:
>>> Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads
>>> I haven't checked where the content length is pulled from
>>> a String but if it does cause a crash, then it is handled
>>> internally
>> Here's the code of interest:
>>     public int getContentLength() {
>>         long length = getContentLengthLong();
>>         if (length < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
>>             return (int) length;
>>         }
>>         return -1;
>>     }
>> (from the 6.0.14 version of org/apache/coyote/Request.java).  The real
>> problem is with the Servlet API spec, which defines the return type of
>> getContentLength() as an int.  Until that problem is resolved, you'll
>> have to avoid using that API.  Note that internally, Tomcat tracks the
>> size with a long, not an int, although as Rainer has pointed out, some
>> problems existed in older levels that have been addressed in 6.0.14.
>>  - Chuck
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