Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On 9/12/07, minky arora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK,  one more time:
>> export JAVA_HOME="watevr".....but still nothing.
> First, open a new terminal window. The default OS X shell is
> tcsh, so first thing type "bash".

(erm, why?)

> At the next prompt type "echo $JAVA_HOME". If that returns
> nothing, type "export
> JAVA_HOME=/Systems/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0"
> Then try echo again. Repeat that for CATALINA_HOME.
> Once you're sure those two environment variables are good, you
> can start Tomcat from that shell by typing
> "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh run"

Instead of the above, just type "java -version" and paste the output
into an email back to us.

If the only Java you have installed is 1.5, then it's fine as is.  You
may not need to set JAVA_HOME in this case, and can probably comment the
references to it out, in your 'profile' file.

> Try accessing a JSP; if it doesn't work, send the entire log output
> seen in  the shell you started in.

@Minky: you're confusing some old instructions with your current
install.   The instructions said JRE_HOME should be set to an old, out
of date version of Java.  The original setting of /Library/Java/Home is
probably fine.

The instructions also say, confusingly, that the JRE is wrong if the
Date examples values don't work.  This is not true.  If Tomcat starts
up, the JRE is OK.

The chances are, that you're trying to access some old examples too,
instead, just try the '/examples/' url on your server.

If an error occurs, tell us what URL you tried to access, and what URL
you were on if you tried to click a link.

The log files we want to see are in 'tomcat/logs/', you can use the
'more catalina.out' or 'tail catalina.out' (for example) commands in the
shell to see their contents.  Look inside the log files if there are any


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