Jenna wrote:
I'm pretty new to Tomcat and I just installed it on my Windows Vista machine using the 
Windows installer. I did the same thing on my XP machine previously and had no problems. 
I am able to start Tomcat and run my applications, however, I am not able to modify or 
delete any of the files in any of the Tomcat directories. I keep getting an error that 
says "You need permission to perform this action." I am setup as the 
administrator on my computer. I tried disabling user account control in Vista but that 
did not help. I also copied the file msvcr71.dll from my jre bin folder to Tomcat's bin 
folder as I heard that was necessary on Vista but it did not help me. Any suggestions 
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Sorry that is a Vista problem (err I mean security feature :)) and not a Tomcat problem.
Some solutions from the Web:


Gabe Wong
NGASI AppServer Manager
Application server installation and configuration AUTOMATION

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