Thaank you David.
  As you suggest, I am applying log4j....
  -Abdul Razack

david delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  catalina.out it the output of stdio and stderr, for this file, it's not 
easy to logrotate it, unless you stop tomcat at night. For the others 
ones, using log4j, i suggest you take a look at log4j documentation, it 
explains how to do rotating log for the log4j appenders.
abdul razack a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are using tomcat apache-tomcat-5.5.23 for development purpose.
> We want the same tomcat to push for Production in Window 2000 server.
> Our web application log level is low.
> All logs would be created in directory D:\apache-tomcat-5.5.23\logs.
> The log file names are as,
> 1.localhost.2007-12-24.log
> 2.catalina.2007-12-24.log
> 3.manager.2007-12-24.log
> 5.admin.2007-12-24.log
> But log size would increase in production day by day. 
> We want that tomcat automatically archives the log files and
> create a new one once a certains size is reached.
> we are not using log4j properties.
> Please help us what needs to set in file.
> Thanks & Regards
> -Abdul Razack
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