My web app is very simple, two servlets already installed so no war file. 
  Once it finally gets going it is very responsive, the initialization just 
takes forever...
  I have some war files coming, but I figure if I cannt get this basic 
initialization to work theres not much point.
  Is tomcat supposed to work in embedded environments like this, is it 
something others are trying / have working , Is it part of the roadmap ?

Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > From: Gavan Hood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My problem is the initialization.
> When I start tomcat it takes about two minutes to complete
> initialization and pegs my little processor at times, often
> it keeps it around 80% untilized...

Yeah, that's not good in an embedded device!

2 minutes with or without your application deployed? i.e. how much of that time 
is Tomcat startup, and how much is Tomcat deploying your webapp / your webapp 

How is your application packaged? Are you unpacking it from a WAR, or is it 
already unpacked?

- Peter

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