Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
> not sure why you would need to go down the route of putting everything
> into a single jar and copy it to lib.
> as you have it is just fine, except one would question why
> TestServiceImpl is not in the lib as well, do you need to hot deploy
> test service impl?

Yes. And a lot more service implementations. The example setup described
in my mail is just a simple example (With just a simple test service).
The whole picture would be a complex backend project which handles
business logic and persistence and multiple lightweight frontend webs
using this backend.

Putting all the backend stuff into a JAR and placing it in the lib
directory would definitely work but isn't nice for development because
it does not allow hot deployment. Having just the interfaces and a
service factory in the lib directory would be better because then
changes to the backend implementation stuff could be hot-deployed.
Interface changes still need a redeployment of the interface JAR file
and a tomcat restart but hopefully the interfaces will not change often.
(A solution which works without a global interface library would be even
nicer though...)

Bye, K <>
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