Thanks for that Chris - very much appreciated,
I did manage to get it to compile but when I click on the link in my
jsp page everything appears except the image - and also no errors -
when I view source it includes the img line for the plot as so:
<IMG SRC="/servlet/OpenFile?plot=/home/kimberly/Desktop/test/52-plot.jpg"
align="left" ALT="plot">

My jsp includes it as this:
<IMG SRC="/servlet/OpenFile?plot=<%=plot%>" align="left" ALT="plot">

Then my serlvet calls the getParameter function to get the absolute
path to the jpeg I want to display in the jsp page.

I might have messed it up when getting it to compile - I was having
problems with the getMimeType method with messages like this:
 /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/javac -d ../../classes/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getServletContext()
location: interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
        ServletContext application = request.getServletContext();
                                            ^ incompatible types
found   : java.lang.String
        return application.getMimeType(file.getName());
                                      ^ setContentType(java.lang.String) in
javax.servlet.ServletResponse cannot be applied to (
            response.setContentType(getMimeType(request, file));
3 errors

I got rid of the first error by changing and adding these linesin the
getMimeType method:
ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
ServletContext application = config.getServletContext();

But was still getting the other errors until I commented out the
getMimeType method and placed the above 2 lines in the else before
calling getMimeType - like this:

            ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
            ServletContext application = config.getServletContext();


filename="+ file.getName());

            sendFile(file, response);

So now I'm not sure if it's a problem with the way I'm calling it or
if I've messed it up with the changes I've made to it. I've checked
the logs and nothing - no errors there either.
Thanks for all the assistance with this.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Christopher Schultz
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Lars,
>  Lars Nielsen Lind wrote:
>  | You can do that with a Servlet. Here are some sample code. Replace
>  | content of <> with your own data.
>  This would be a much better class if it:
>  * Did not have extraneous class members.
>  * Used a buffer for reading and writing to the streams.
>  * Did not truncate content-lengths that exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE.
>  * Used the proper MIME type (bug!), or allowed the servlet to
>  ~  override it.
>  * Handled exceptions properly.
>  * Returned proper response codes.
>  * Included documentation (but hey, it's sample code!)
>  :(
>  I point out these problems not to embarrass Lars, but to point out that
>  giving code with these kinds of problems to a likely newbie (apologies,
>  Kimberly, if you are not a newbie... but your question admits a certain
>  level of understanding) does not serve them well. They come to the list
>  hoping to get good advice from good developers and you hand them a class
>  that is rife with problems.
>  My guess is that this kind of thing happens all the time and the
>  recipient is certainly happy to get some working code, but they don't go
>  over it and fix all the problems because it came from someone "smarter"
>  than them. Your code may become an example for how to do certain things.
>  Given that, we should endeavor to provide the highest quality code
>  possible to the readers of this list. We'll be helping them to be better
>  programmers.
>  Allow me to suggest a re-write of this class.
>  package ...;
>  import*;
>  import java.util.*;
>  import javax.servlet.*;
>  import javax.servlet.http.*;
>  public class DownloadServlet
>  ~    extends HttpServlet
>  {
>  ~    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
>  ~    private static final String BASE_FILE_PATH = "/path/to/your/files";
>  ~    protected File findFile(HttpServletRequest request)
>  ~       throws IOException
>  ~    {
>  ~        // This is a reasonable default implementation.
>  ~        // Feel free to change it.
>  ~        File file = new File(BASE_FILE_PATH + request.getPathInfo());
>  ~        return file;
>  ~    }
>  ~    protected File getMimeType(HttpServletRequest request, File file)
>  ~    {
>  ~        // This is a reasonable default implementation.
>  ~        // Feel free to change it.
>  ~        ServletContext application = request.getServletContext();
>  ~        return application.getMimeType(file.getName());
>  ~    }
>  ~    protected void sendFile(File file, HttpServletResponse response)
>  ~        throws IOException
>  ~    {
>         BufferedInputStream in = null;
>  ~        try {
>             int count;
>  ~            byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
>  ~            in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
>  ~            ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
>  ~            while(-1 != (count =
>  ~                out.write(buffer, 0, count);
>  ~            out.flush();
>  ~        }
>  ~        finally
>  ~        {
>  ~            if (in != null)
>  ~            {
>  ~                try { in.close(); }
>  ~                catch (IOException ioe) { /* log an error! */ }
>  ~            }
>  ~        }
>  ~    }
>  ~    public void service(HttpServletRequest request,
> ~                        HttpServletResponse response)
>  ~        throws ServletException, IOException
>  ~    {
>  ~        File file = findFile(request);
>  ~        if(null == file || !file.exists())
>  ~        {
>  ~            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
>  ~        }
>  ~        else if(!file.canRead())
>  ~        {
>  ~            // Feel free to send NOT_FOUND instead, if you don't want to
>  ~            // give up potentially sensitive security information.
>  ~            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
>  ~        }
>  ~        else
>  ~        {
>  ~            response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
>  ~            response.setContentType(getMimeType(request, file));
>  ~            response.setHeader("Content-Type",
>  ~                               String.valueOf(file.length());
> ~            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition",
>  ~                               "attachment; filename="
>  ~                                      + file.getName());
>  ~            sendFile(file, response);
>  ~        }
>  ~    }
>  }
>  - -chris
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Kimberly Begley

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