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Kimberly Begley wrote:
| I might have messed it up when getting it to compile - I was having
| problems with the getMimeType method with messages like this:

Oops. It looks like I gave you some bad code, too.

|  /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/javac -d ../../classes/ OpenFile.java
| OpenFile.java:35: cannot find symbol
| symbol  : method getServletContext()
| location: interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
|         ServletContext application = request.getServletContext();

Obviously, that should have been:

ServletContext application =
~     super.getServletConfix().getServletContext();

| OpenFile.java:38: incompatible types
| found   : java.lang.String
| required: java.io.File
|         return application.getMimeType(file.getName());

And it looks like this should have been

protected String getMimeType(HttpServletRequest request, File file)
~      // This is a reasonable default implementation.
~      // Feel free to change it.
~      ServletContext application = request.getServletContext();

~      return application.getMimeType(file.getName());

...which will also fix this problem:

| OpenFile.java:92: setContentType(java.lang.String) in
| javax.servlet.ServletResponse cannot be applied to (java.io.File)
|             response.setContentType(getMimeType(request, file));

Try my fixes and see what happens.

If the image does not appear, try using LiveHTTPHeaders or some other
tool to watch the HTTP request/response for the image and see what
status code is returned. Feel free to add debug logging statements to
the class to give yourself more information.

- -chris
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