
Which stats? What tool are you using? 100% of how much memory? All system 
memory? All of the heap space already llocated to Java? Are you setting any 
specific parameters at JVM startup that affect the heap size
(such as -Xms or -Xmx)?

On Unix  we used command "netstat" to verify the same.
yes We have used -Xms or -Xmx Configuration , since the system RAM is 6 GB

"JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms350m -Xmx350m -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc"

So the application fails to respond to some users, but it does not crash?

Yes the Application was not crashing,but on hold for longer time on the server
since the users were getting blank screen instead of "login screen"

>>Really? Increasing your connection pool size has /increased/ your uptime? That sounds a bit odd. Are you sure you didn't do anything else?

Yes this is was the only other configuration done

We also tried migrating to TOMCAT6 from TOMCAT5523 ,but it was not even able to accept more then 4 users

with regards

Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1


karthikn wrote:

|> That seems unlikely. 100% of the system memory, or 100% of the
|> memory that has been allocated to it?
| No As the no of users Increase from 400+ the stats repors java
| consumption as 100%

Which stats? What tool are you using? 100% of how much memory? All
system memory? All of the heap space already allocated to Java? Are you
setting any specific parameters at JVM startup that affect the heap size
(such as -Xms or -Xmx)?

|> What happens when you hit "100% memory use"? Does the app crash? Or
|> can no more users log in?
| The main "Login page"  from the web application is not appearing for
| some of the users

So the application fails to respond to some users, but it does not crash?

|  >> Do you actually need 300 simultaneous connections for your
| Increasing this ,we were able to reduce the restart  option on TOMCAT
| from 6 frequently hrs to 12+ hrs

Really? Increasing your connection pool size has /increased/ your
uptime? That sounds a bit odd. Are you sure you didn't do anything else?

|> Evidently not. Do you use sessions for anything?
| Yes we hold the User's info in a String array stored into the session
| to track
| signall the AAA CISCO router to remove the user ,when in idel state for
| more then 24 hrs.

How big is that String array that you store in the session? Do you have
24-hour session timeouts? That is a /very/ long time for session timeouts.

- -chris
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