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karthikn wrote:
|>> Which stats? What tool are you using? 100% of how much memory? All
|>> system memory? All of the heap space already llocated to Java? Are
|>> you setting any specific parameters at JVM startup that affect the
|>> heap size (such as -Xms or -Xmx)?
| On Unix  we used command "netstat" to verify the same.

Netstat does not give any memory information. Where are you getting your
memory stats from?

| yes We have  used  -Xms or -Xmx  Configuration , since the system RAM is
| 6 GB
| as
| "JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms350m -Xmx350m -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc"

So you have a 3.5GB heap. What are you filling it with? It's probably
not a memory issue if...

|>> So the application fails to respond to some users, but it does not
|>> crash?
| Yes the Application was not crashing,but on hold  for longer time on the
| server since the users were getting blank screen instead of "login screen"

Long delays usually mean that all the connections are being used (and
new connections are being queued or even refused). How many simultaneous
connections are you expecting? How many to you actually get?

| We also tried migrating  to TOMCAT6  from TOMCAT5523 ,but it was not
| even able to accept more then 4 users

Tomcat 6 doesn't really offer any advantages over Tomcat 5 in this case
unless you are using one of the new high-connection-rate connectors
(NIO, etc.). You should look into these if you are having
too-many-connection problems.

I would also look at what your application is doing during those
connections. Are the connections using keep-alive? Are they being left
open when after they are no longer being used?

You've really given us no information except to assert that all your
memory is used. I don't see any evidence that your memory is exhausted.

- -chris

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