
>> Apache contains the "logic" to handle the load balancing between the two tomcats:

As per the Documents "tomcat-docs/cluster-howto.html"*

*I have only tried to achieve Clustering of 2 TOMCAT's on a single MACHINE, JVM

My Primary Objective was to check if the  "war"  deployed / undeployed
on 1st TOMCAT would automatically be deployed / undeployed on the 2nd TOMCAT*

*I would only use Apache Http server to handle the Load balancing once the succeeded in Clustering

but this problem as stated below exists


Delpoyment of a war file on TOMCAT5523_I  displays in console as

>>  INFO: Starting clustering manager at /DATAGRID
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager getAll
WARNING: Manager [/DATAGRID], requesting session state from
e=17593]. This operation will timeout if no session state has been
received with
in 60 seconds.
Apr 29, 2008 10:18:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager waitFo
SEVERE: Manager [/DATAGRID]: No session state send at 4/29/08 10:17 AM
timing out after 60,109 ms.

TOMCAT5523_II displays on console as

>>INFO: Replication member
://,catalina,,4001, alive=16]
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
ner messageReceived
SEVERE: Context manager doesn't exist:/DATAGRID

*Any suggestions

with regards

Landon Fabbricino wrote:
I honestly have not tried clustering tomcat without Apache before.

Just recently I set up a server farm with apache on one server and tomcat on 
two other servers (so 3 physical machines)

Apache contains the "logic" to handle the load balancing between the two 

JkWorkersFile   conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile       logs/jk_conn.log
JkLogLevel      error

JkMount /loadbalance-test*      loadbalancer

### Load Balancer Instances             ####################################
  worker.tomcat1.port=8009  #AJP Port

  worker.tomcat4.port=8010    #AJP Port

### Define Mount Points                 ####################################

  # Load Balance #####################

### Load Mount Points                   ####################################

karthikn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/30/2008 10:57:51 PM >>>

As Per the Tomcat 5.5.23 Cluster HowTo Documents

I have only tried to Cluster 2 TOMCATS on SAME Machine , Sharing same JVM.

 >> Could you provide your apache's worker.properties file?

I have so far not used any APACHE Http Server for Load Balancing

with regards

Landon Fabbricino wrote:
Could you provide your apache's worker.properties file?

karthikn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/30/2008 8:05:02 AM >>>


Any more suggestions ?

with regards

karthikn wrote:



I have already added the same in my application's web.xml,
but still no improvement.

with regards

Landon Fabbricino wrote:

If I am not mistaken, you will need to add the following tag to your web.xml

  <!-- Required for session-replication in clustering mode  -->

Landon Fabbricino
IT Applications

Phone: 403.225.7515
Fax: 403.225.7604

karthikn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/28/2008 11:34:43 PM >>>


The Following was done for the Clustering  (2 tomcats )

Values  TOMCAT5523_I    TOMCAT5523_II

Startup         8081    8082
ShutDown        8007    8008

APJ     8009    8010
TCP Listener    4001    4002
tcpListenAddress        auto    auto
jvmRoute        node01  node02

Delpoyment of a war file on TOMCAT5523_I  displays in console as

 >>  INFO: Starting clustering manager at /DATAGRID
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager getAll
WARNING: Manager [/DATAGRID], requesting session state from
e=17593]. This operation will timeout if no session state has been
received with
in 60 seconds.
Apr 29, 2008 10:18:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager waitFo
SEVERE: Manager [/DATAGRID]: No session state send at 4/29/08 10:17 AM
 timing out after 60,109 ms.

TOMCAT5523_II displays on console as

 >>INFO: Replication member
://,catalina,,4001, alive=16]
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
ner messageReceived
SEVERE: Context manager doesn't exist:/DATAGRID

Am i missing something while clustering....

with regards

karthikn wrote:


I have few Questions which i was not able to get TOMCAT CLUSTERING HOWTO
and form.

a) Clustering

    1) Do we need to deploy the war files  on each individual Tomcat
    when joined the clustering.
      >> "deploy your apps only to one server, and the cluster will
    distribute  the deployments across the entire cluster".

        This does not seems to work, after following the steps for 2
    Tomcats (or am i missing some thing in here.)

    2) Is this a must do configuration

         >>" Make sure that all nodes have the same time and sync with
    NTP service! "

       for the clusters to start functioning.

b) Load balancing

         1) Using  "Using the balancer webapp" , redirects to different
URL's is done,
          Can we use the same to redirect to  the clustered TOMCATs to
do the load
            balancing  internally based on


 Any URL or blog (other then "cluster-howto.html")
 which explains the clustering /load balancing in simple steps would be
of wery much help to us.

Prerequisite : TOMCAT 5.5.23 (already in production ,we cannot change
this version) 2 nos
JSDK          : 1.6
O/s            : UNIX 11

with regards

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