I agree with others on the list that *for other purposes* starting at
the basics and working up is the way to go.  I may have a different
view of what "basics" is, given that I *think* I still carry around
enough in my head that I could design a functional (if basic) computer
from the discrete components up through instruction set, microcode if
absolutely required, I/O, OS to applications ;-).  I wish all
developers could think down to bare metal level, and beyond - it gives
a very solid grounding in *why* to code in a particular way.
>                 - Peter

Well here I have to agree with you, I spent many happy hours in the
compsci labs messing about with a Motorolla 68000 processor. I was
lucky enough to be in the last cohort at my university to get a
thorough grounding in computer architecture (Course Book 'Structured
Computer Organization' by Andrew S Tannenbaum). A fantastic course and
absolutely essential IMHO. I think it's been replaced with 'Business
and Society' or something now, shame.

I totally agree with using and reusing existing components. I use lots
of commons components all the time and as for Lucene
(http://lucene.apache.org/) well it's the absolute dogs danglers isn't
it ?

 I just think that a framework as a starting point is one layer too
far for a beginner to web development.

Anyway, let us know how you get on OP.


Just my two quids worth

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