Hi Andre,

I tried, but I'm not finding it.
Am I the only one in that situation ?

No, I've tried to read both the log4j docs and the tomcat logging docs. Nowhere is there a good working example that describes some real world situations. My trouble is different from yours, but I believe we are both looking for the same thing, an effective guide to tomcat logging.

The tomcat documentation for JULI talks about using both at the same time etcetera and somewhere in the muddle switches between.

Sorry, I don't think this is a hijack, it is my frustration.

Here is my situation which is complex and I KNOW is too complicated to ask for advise on the totality - I've been on the list to absorb relevant info, and maybe I'm ready.

When we went to 5.5.25 we lost all the really nice SIMPLE logging w/o bulletproof instructions on how to replace it. It would be nice to have a cookbook that directly translates the one config to the other showing how to do it with JULI, with log4j and with both happily co- existing. This last, for me has been the key part.

My trouble involves my rather weird configuration that grew from tomcat 3.3 to 4.1 to 5.5. I recently added Roller 4.0 and had to do a weirder config due its 16MB per context permgen space requirements for 4000 classes moving many of its jars to tomcat/shared/lib ended my OOM. All my contexts logs are hijacked by Roller, and that is a roller question that I can't ask due to my weird configuration. But if I understood better how logging and tomcat interact I could understand.

Watching this list I am confident that I could reconfigure with apache in front of tomcats w/my webapp and other tomcats w/Roller. This would be ideal, and different logging mechanisms could be used in each tomcat. And my problem would "stop", ... And it is what will be done. I prefer it for many reasons which many on this list have graciously provided.

I would still like to have someone help me guide through the logging configuration in some simple scenarios.

If this is done then I promise the people on this wonderful group that I'll try to distill it into a reasonable FAQ.

I'm on Solaris 8, w/Java 5.

My host context on Tomcat 4.1.31 looks like:

        <Host name="my.url.com" appBase="webapps-url" >
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" prefix="my_url_access." suffix=".log"
            <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
directory="logs" prefix="my_url_logger." suffix=".log"

In Tomcat 5.5.26:

        <Host name="my.url.com" appBase="webapps-unity" >
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve" directory="logs" prefix="my_url_access." suffix=".log" pattern="common"/>

How do I translate my 4.1.31 Logger to log4j in Tomcat 5.5.25? How do I do the same for JULI logging? How do I combine the two?

How does the classloader come into play? I know it has some affect because there is mention in the docs of tomcat/common/ vs. tomcat/ shared/?

Do the answers differ for Tomcat 6?

Now do you see why we simple users who must spend time programming their apps, are confused? Especially when you go from having a VERY SIMPLE interface to options you don't care about but are forced to make. Like which health care plan?

This is critical to me, I ought to go to Tomcat 6 and Java 6 as I go to Apache / Tomcat (for load balancing, SSL front end and splitting parts of webapps between differently configured tomcats, I certainly don't want to waste time with logging configuration,


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