Andrew Connick wrote:
I'm having problems with the jsp includes directive where the jsp is in a 
I have 2 subdirectories:

index.jsp contains the line <%@ include file="/segments/setup.jsp" %> which is 

admin/index.jsp also contains the line <%@ include file="/segments/setup.jsp" %> This is fine in my test environment, and used to work in my live environment (hosted by an external company) but has recently stopped working.

I suspect the issue is that Tomcat now sees sub-directory /admin as a separate 
context. I believe I have proved this by running a simple admin/test.jsp that 
displays the results of request.getContextPath(). This shows blank in test and 
/admin in live.

Given that it used to work and has now stopped, I think the hosting company 
should be able to correct this. However I am having considerable difficulty 
with this approach. As I cannot re-create the situation in my testing, I am not 
too sure how to proceed.

So, I suppose my real questions are: - Is the way I have structured my code correct ?
- How do I stop Tomcat treating each sub-directory as a different context (more 
specifically, how do Instruct the hosting company) ?

This sounds like you have a setup of the form:
<Host ... appBase=".../webapps/yourApp" ...>
  <Context ... docBase="" ... />

Is this the case? If you are on an older Tomcat version this will work (due to a bug that has since been fixed) but it won't work on newer Tomcat versions. The correct configuration (that works on all Tomcat versions) should be:
mv .../webapps/yourApp .../webapps/ROOT
<Host ... appBase=".../webapps" ...>



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