That log file is from the httpd server, right? What does the Tomcat
log file say? (Turn on AccessLogValve if you haven't already.) Is
Tomcat always getting requests for the correct file, or is mod_jk
requesting the wrong file sometimes?

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:44, Tim Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are experiencing intermittent problems with a particular site that is not
> returning the correct file that is requested.  For instance if we request
> the index.html file we actually get a css file or even an image.  From the
> apache access log you can see that the size of the index.html file grows on
> the second request. This is because a gif was actually returned.
> XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:10:39 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
> 200 1068
> XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:10 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
> 200 9526
> XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:48 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
> 200 1086
> No error messages are logged in the mode_jk.log file.
> We have Apache/2.2.3 on the front on a Tomcat 6.0.16 server with mod_jk
> (version unknown but fairly recent).  We have all assets in our war file.
> When we hit Tomcat directly on port 8080 it serves the correct file. And to
> fix the problem an apache restart seems to sort things out.
> On this server with have 2 vhosts.  One is a simple nothing fancy static
> site and the other forwards everything to our Tomcat server.  Below I've
> included our mod_jk config and a snippet of our httpd.conf.
> Any ideas or things to try would be most appreciated.
> Tim.
> ============= mod_jk.conf ==========
> # Load mod_jk module
> # Specify the filename of the mod_jk lib
> LoadModule jk_module modules/
> # Where to find
> JkWorkersFile conf/
> # Where to put jk logs
> JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
> # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
> JkLogLevel debug
> # Select the log format
> JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"
> # JkOptions indicates to send SSK KEY SIZE
> JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
> # JkRequestLogFormat
> JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
> # Add shared memory.
> # This directive is present with 1.2.10 and
> # later versions of mod_jk, and is needed for
> # for load balancing to work properly
> JkShmFile logs/jk.shm
> # original URL pass through
> JkEnvVar    ORIGINAL_URI    w00t
> # Add jkstatus for managing runtime data
> <Location /jkstatus/>
> JkMount status
> Order deny,allow
> Deny from all
> Allow from
> </Location>
> ======= httpd.conf (our additions to the default file) ======
> # mod_jk include
> Include conf/mod_jk.conf
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
>    ServerName
>    ErrorLog logs/default-error.log
>    CustomLog logs/default-access.log common
>    alias /logs /var/widgets
>    <Location /logs>
>        AuthUserFile /var/widgets/.htpasswd
>        AuthName "Widgets"
>        AuthType Basic
>        Require valid-user
>    </Location>
>    Rewriteengine on
>    RewriteRule ^/$ /index.html [R]
>    jkmount /* loadbalancer
>    jkunmount /logs/*.gz loadbalancer
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
>    ServerName
>    ErrorLog /var/widgets/widget-error.log
>    CustomLog /var/widgets/widgets-access.log common
>    jkunmount /* loadbalancer
> </VirtualHost>
> ======= ======
> worker.list=loadbalancer,status
> worker.node1.port=8009
> worker.node1.type=ajp13
> worker.node1.lbfactor=1
> worker.loadbalancer.type=lb
> worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=node1
> worker.status.type=status
> --
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